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PHP在iframe POST数据中打开另一个页面

[英]PHP open another page in iframe POST data

I am creating an Phonegap app that submits user filled data from a form to my url at www.myDomain.com 我正在创建一个Phonegap应用,该应用将用户填写的数据从表单提交到我在www.myDomain.com上的网址

so the data sent will be using GET so the url possibilities are like this. 因此发送的数据将使用GET,因此url的可能性是这样的。


I am opening these sites in an iframe. 我正在iframe中打开这些网站。

Now depending on the value and i can get more than 200 different types of values i want to redirect user to some website posting those values 现在根据值,我可以获得200多种不同类型的值,我想将用户重定向到一些发布这些值的网站

So i can redirect the above two examples like so 所以我可以像这样重定向上面的两个例子

www.numericProcessor.com       //vlaue send by POST is 99
www.alphabeticProcessor.com    //vlaue send by POST is ninetyNine

How do i Go about doing this? 我该如何去做?

Sounds like you're searching for a good design decision? 听起来您在寻找一个好的设计决策?

An easy solution could be to use a switch: 一个简单的解决方案是使用开关:

ob_start( );
$value = strip_tags($_GET['value1']);

if (!empty($value )) {
    switch( strtolower($value) ) {
        // add a case for each value you support (in lower case)
        case "99":          $url = "http://www.numericProcessor.com/";     break;
        case "ninetynine":  $url = "http://www.alphabeticProcessor.com/";  break;
        default:            $url = "/InvalidOption.html";                  break;

    header( "location: $url", true, 307 ); // not sure what status you'd prefer

Might this be a good and easy way to do as you wanted? 可能这是您想要的一种简单便捷的方法吗? You can then navigate the iFrame to something like www.myDomain.com/processor.php?value1=99 然后,您可以将iFrame导航至www.myDomain.com/processor.php?value1=99

Please check the code before running, I haven't had the time to test it. 请在运行之前检查代码,我还没有时间对其进行测试。

EDIT: 编辑:

After our chat I think we solved the problem. 聊天之后,我认为我们已经解决了问题。 This untested piece of code might do the trick for you! 这段未经测试的代码可以为您解决问题!

    $value = strip_tags($_GET['value1']); 

    if (!empty($value )) { 
        switch( strtolower($value) ) { 
            // add a case for each value you support (in lower case) 
            case "99":         $url = "http://www.numericProcessor.com/";    break; 
            case "ninetynine": $url = "http://www.alphabeticProcessor.com/"; break; 
            default:           $url = "/InvalidOption.html"; break; 

        print " <h1>Please wait while we refer you to the right website</h1>
                <form method='post' action='$url'>
                    <input type='hidden' value='$value' name='<here the name they expact it>'>
                <noscript>Please enable JavaScript, else we cannot refer you!</noscript>
                <script language='JavaScript'>


Make sure to test first, as there are probably some dumb mistakes in it. 确保先进行测试,因为其中可能存在一些愚蠢的错误。

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