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具有fxml的ScalaFX i18n无法正常工作

[英]ScalaFX i18n with fxml not working

First the working code: 首先是工作代码:

val root: BorderPane = new BorderPane(jfxf.FXMLLoader.load(getClass.getResource("/GUI/main.fxml")))

stage = new PrimaryStage()
  title = "FXML Test"
  scene = new Scene(root)

No problem here. 没问题 Now I wanted to add i18n support like so: 现在,我想像这样添加i18n支持:

val bundle: ResourceBundle = new PropertyResourceBundle(getClass.getResource("/i18n/en.properties").openStream)
val loader: FXMLLoader = new FXMLLoader(getClass.getResource("/GUI/main.fxml"), bundle)
val root = loader.load[jfxs.Parent]

stage = new PrimaryStage()
  title = "FXML Test"
  scene = new Scene(root)

Now the constructor scene = new Scene(root) cannot be resolved. 现在,无法解析构造函数scene = new Scene(root)

I tried to solve this by 我试图通过解决这个问题

1) initializing a new BorderPane, like: 1)初始化一个新的BorderPane,例如:

val root = new BorderPane(loader.load[jfxs.Parent])

But the constructor of BorderPane cannot be resolved so I tried 但是BorderPane的构造函数无法解析,所以我尝试了

2) casting it to a BorderPane, like: 2)将其转换为BorderPane,例如:

val root = new BorderPane(loader.load[jfxs.Parent].asInstanceOf[BorderPane])

which is okay in the IDE but throws a compiler-error: 在IDE中可以,但是会引发编译器错误:

Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane cannot be cast to scalafx.scene.layout.BorderPane 由以下原因引起:java.lang.ClassCastException:javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane无法转换为scalafx.scene.layout.BorderPane

How can I resolve this? 我该如何解决?

"Now the constructor scene = new Scene(root) cannot be resolved.": that would be because the scalafx.scene.Scene constructor expects a parameter of type scalafx.scene.Parent and not javafx.scene.Parent . “现在无法解析构造函数scene = new Scene(root) 。”:那是因为scalafx.scene.Scene构造函数需要一个scalafx.scene.Parent类型的参数,而不是javafx.scene.Parent类型的参数。

Just add import scalafx.Includes._ to your imports to use ScalaFX's implicit conversions. 只需将import scalafx.Includes._添加到您的导入中即可使用ScalaFX的隐式转换。 You can then do: 然后,您可以执行以下操作:

import java.util.PropertyResourceBundle
import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader
import javafx.{scene => jfxs}

import scalafx.Includes._
import scalafx.application.JFXApp
import scalafx.application.JFXApp.PrimaryStage
import scalafx.scene.Scene

object MyApp extends JFXApp{
  val bundle = new PropertyResourceBundle(getClass.getResource("/i18n/en.properties").openStream)
  val fxml = getClass.getResource("/GUI/main.fxml")
  val root: jfxs.Parent = FXMLLoader.load(fxml, bundle)

  stage = new PrimaryStage() {
    title = "FXML Test"
    scene = new Scene(root) // root is implicitly converted to scalafx.scene.Parent

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