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[英]R: how to check whether a vector is ascending/descending

vector1 = c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)
vector2 = c(2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3)
vector3 = c(2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2)

I want to know if the numbers in the vector are ascending/staying the same or descending. 我想知道向量中的数字是上升/保持相同还是下降。 So for vector1 and vector2 , it should be TRUE , whereas for vector3 it should be FALSE . 因此对于vector1vector2 ,它应该是TRUE ,而对于vector3它应该是FALSE Simply put it should return FALSE if there's a reversion in the vector. 简单地说,如果向量中存在回归,则应该返回FALSE Is there a quick way to do this without writing a loop? 没有编写循环,有没有快速的方法来做到这一点?

There is a base R function called is.unsorted that is ideal for this situation: 有一个名为is.unsorted的基本R函数,适用于这种情况:

# [1] TRUE
# [1] TRUE
# [1] FALSE

This function is very fast as it appeals almost directly to compiled C code. 这个函数非常快,因为它几乎直接吸引到编译的C代码。

My initial thought was to use sort and identical , a la identical(sort(vector1), vector1) , but this is pretty slow; 我最初的想法是使用sortidentical一拉 identical(sort(vector1), vector1)但是这是非常缓慢的; that said, I think this approach can be extended to more flexible situations. 那说,我认为这种方法可以扩展到更灵活的情况。

If speed was really crucial, we could skip some of the overhead of is.unsorted and call the internal function directly: 如果速度真的很重要,我们可以跳过is.unsorted一些开销并直接调用内部函数:

.Internal(is.unsorted(vector1, FALSE))

(the FALSE passes FALSE to the argument strictly ). (该FALSE传递FALSE到参数strictly )。 This offered a ~4x speed-up on a small vector. 这为小矢量提供了~4倍的加速。

To get a sense of just how fast the final option is, here's a benchmark: 为了了解最终选项的速度,这里有一个基准:

srtd <- sort(sample(1e6, rep = TRUE)) # a sorted test case
unsr <- sample(1e6, rep = TRUE) #an unsorted test case

microbenchmark(times = 1000L,
               josilber = {all(diff(srtd) >= 0)
                         all(diff(unsr) >= 0)},
               mikec = {identical(sort(srtd), srtd)
                      identical(sort(unsr), unsr)},
               baser = {!is.unsorted(srtd)
               intern = {!.Internal(is.unsorted(srtd, FALSE)) 
                       !.Internal(is.unsorted(unsr, FALSE))})

Results on my machine: 在我的机器上的结果:

# Unit: microseconds
#      expr       min         lq       mean     median        uq        max neval  cld
#  josilber 30349.108 30737.6440 34550.6599 34113.5970 34964.171 155283.320  1000   c 
#     mikec 93167.836 94183.8865 97119.4493 94852.7530 97528.859 229692.328  1000    d
#     baser  1089.670  1168.7400  1322.9341  1296.7375  1347.946   6301.866  1000  b  
#    intern   514.816   532.4405   576.2867   560.5955   566.236   2456.237  1000 a   

So calling the internal function directly (caveat: you need to be sure your vector is perfectly clean--no NA s, etc.) gives you ~2x speed versus the base R function, which is in turn ~30x faster than using diff , which is in turn ~2x as fast as my initial choice. 所以直接调用内部函数(需要注意的是:你需要确保你的矢量非常干净 - 没有NA等等)比基本R函数提供~2倍的速度,这比使用diff快约30倍,这反过来又是我最初选择的2倍。

You can diff to compute the differences between elements and all to check if they are all non-negative: 您可以使用diff来计算元素和all元素之间的差异,以检查它们是否都是非负数:

all(diff(vector1) >= 0)
# [1] TRUE
all(diff(vector2) >= 0)
# [1] TRUE
all(diff(vector3) >= 0)
# [1] FALSE

The above code checks if all the vectors are non-decreasing, and you could replace >= 0 with <= 0 to check if they're non-increasing. 上面的代码检查所有向量是否都是非递减的,您可以用<= 0替换>= 0 <= 0来检查它们是否不增加。 If instead your goal is to identify vectors that are either non-decreasing or non-increasing (aka they don't have an increasing and a decreasing step in the same vector), there's a simple modification: 相反,如果您的目标是识别非递减或不递增的向量(也就是说它们在同一向量中没有增加和减少的步骤),则有一个简单的修改:

!all(c(-1, 1) %in% sign(diff(vector1)))
# [1] TRUE
!all(c(-1, 1) %in% sign(diff(vector2)))
# [1] TRUE
!all(c(-1, 1) %in% sign(diff(vector3)))
# [1] FALSE

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