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RecyclerView ItemTouchHelper-自定义视图

[英]RecyclerView ItemTouchHelper - Custom View

I am trying to have a custom view (or image) appear when swiping left/right. 我试图在向左/向右滑动时显示自定义视图(或图像)。

I'm close to having it working, however I'm having issues with using a custom image. 我即将开始使用它,但是在使用自定义图像时遇到了问题。

The effect I'm going for is similar to this: RecyclerView ItemTouchHelper swipe remove animation 我要达到的效果与此类似: RecyclerView ItemTouchHelper滑动删除动画

See what's happening below. 看看下面发生了什么。 It's warping the image as the swipe happens: 滑动时会扭曲图像:


Below is what my code looks like: 以下是我的代码:

public void onChildDraw(Canvas c, RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder,
        float dX, float dY, int actionState, boolean isCurrentlyActive) {
    if (actionState == ItemTouchHelper.ACTION_STATE_SWIPE) {
        View itemView = viewHolder.itemView;

        Paint p = new Paint();
        if (dX > 0) {
            Drawable d = ContextCompat.getDrawable(getActivity(), R.drawable.test_check);
            d.setBounds(itemView.getLeft(), itemView.getTop(), (int) dX, itemView.getBottom());

            super.onChildDraw(c, recyclerView, viewHolder, dX, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive);

        super.onChildDraw(c, recyclerView, viewHolder, dX, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive);

How can I keep the image static while continuing to draw the background color? 在继续绘制背景色的同时如何保持图像静止? Is it possible to even use an Android view instead of an image? 是否可以甚至使用Android视图代替图像? Similar to this: https://github.com/wdullaer/SwipeActionAdapter 与此类似: https : //github.com/wdullaer/SwipeActionAdapter

You can prepare your recycler view item layout to include the check symbol ImageView and maybe another blank view with just the background color. 您可以准备回收者视图项目布局,以包括复选标记ImageView以及可能仅包含背景颜色的另一个空白视图。 You should also move all the swipeable content into a nested layout. 您还应该将所有可滑动内容移动到嵌套布局中。 Assign a reference to the swipeable content in your view holder. 为视图持有者中的可滑动内容分配引用。 Then just call setTranslationX on your swipeable content in onChildDraw , like: 然后只需在onChildDraw的可滑动内容上调用setTranslationX onChildDraw ,例如:

((MyViewHolder) viewHolder).swipeableContent.setTranslationX(dX);

Update With Source Code Example: 使用源代码示例更新:

Recycler view item layout: 回收者视图项目布局:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

    <!-- background color view -->
        android:background="@color/purple" />

    <!-- check symbol image view -->
        android:src="@drawable/check_symbol" />

    <!-- swipeable content container -->
        <!-- here goes your swipeable content -->


View holder class: 查看持有人类别:

class MyViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {

    // Swipeable content container.
    LinearLayout swipeableContent;

     ... here goes other sub-views

    public ExpenseViewHolder(final View itemView) {
        // bind swipeable content container view
        swipeableContent = (LinearLayout) itemView.findViewById(R.id.swipeable_content);

         ... bind other sub-views

ItemTouchHelper.Callback subclass: ItemTouchHelper.Callback子类:

class ItemTouchHelperCallback extends ItemTouchHelper.Callback {

    public void onChildDraw(final Canvas c,
                            final RecyclerView recyclerView,
                            final RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder,
                            final float dX,
                            final float dY,
                            final int actionState,
                            final boolean isCurrentlyActive) {
        if (viewHolder instanceof MyViewHolder) {
            // translate by swipe amount, 
            // the check symbol and the background will stay in place
            ((MyViewHolder) viewHolder).swipeableContent.setTranslationX(dX);


I am not sure whether you got solution or not and also not sure whether you have seen this library or not. 我不确定您是否有解决方案,也不确定您是否已看到此库。

I have try Android-SwipeListView library for one of my project and SwipeMenuListView for another project for something similar requirements. 我有尝试Android的SwipeListView库为我的项目之一, SwipeMenuListView另一个项目的东西类似的要求。

Both are working fine in their place. 两者都在他们的位置工作正常。 You should give a try on that and check how it should work for your requirement. 您应该尝试一下,并检查它应如何满足您的要求。

Let me know if you need more help from me. 如果您需要我的更多帮助,请告诉我。

Enjoy Coding... :) 享受编码... :)

Simply change the (int)dX in d.setBounds() to any integer you want. 只需将d.setBounds()中的(int)dX更改为所需的任何integer

eg: 例如:

d.setBounds(itemView.getLeft(), itemView.getTop(), 50, itemView.getBottom());

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