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[英]Cannot set Header of GroupBox when ControlTemplate applied

I am using the following control template 我正在使用以下控制模板

<ControlTemplate x:Key="CriterionTemplate" Name="CriterionTemplate">    
    <GroupBox Name="CriterionGroupbox">
            <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="20"/>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="50"/>

        <Button x:Name="KeywordSelectionButton"  Grid.Column="0" Height="50" IsManipulationEnabled="True" Style="{StaticResource HiddenButtonStyle}">
            <DockPanel HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="{TemplateBinding ActualWidth}">
            <Image Name="SelectionImage" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="50"/>
            <Label Name="SelectionLabel" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center" FontSize="11" FontFamily="Comic Sans MS"/>
        <Button x:Name="ClearButton"  Grid.Column="2" Height="50"/>

In my MainWindow code behind, I dynamically create a variable number of controls having this template 在后面的MainWindow代码中,我动态创建了具有此模板的可变数量的控件

var template = this.FindResource("CriterionTemplate") as ControlTemplate;
GroupBox gb = new GroupBox()
    Template = template,
    Header = "MyCustomHeader",

I create a bunch of those groupboxes and add them to some stackpanel. 我创建了一堆这些groupbox,并将它们添加到某些stackpanel中。 So far so good. 到现在为止还挺好。 Problem now is that the Header attribute of the groupbox is not set . 现在的问题是未设置 groupbox的Header属性。 Its just blank. 它只是空白。 The groupbox itsself with the template looks perfect, just the Header is empty. 带有模板的groupbox本身看起来很完美,只是Header为空。 Once I remove the template, the Header is displayed correctly. 删除模板后,标题将正确显示。

What do I do wrong? 我做错了什么?

In your template, you haven't specified how and where your Header will be displayed. 在模板中,您尚未指定Header显示方式和显示位置。

Once you decide to show Header in a Label, you need to 决定在标签中显示标题后,您需要

  1. Set TargetType of Control Template to GroupBox . 将控制模板的TargetType设置为GroupBox This will make sure that TemplateBinding of GroupBox properties work. 这将确保GroupBox属性的TemplateBinding有效。

  2. You have to do TemplateBinding like this 你必须像这样做TemplateBinding

    <Label Content = "{TemplateBinding Header}">

Got the solution by myself. 我自己找到了解决方案。

There was a structural problem within the code itsself. 代码本身存在结构性问题。 I defined two GroupBoxes. 我定义了两个GroupBox。 One within the template, one outside in the code-behind. 模板中的一个,代码后面的一个。

To modify the Header of the outer GroupBox in the code-behind did nor reflect the UI, however modifying the inner one which is defined in the template DID. 修改后面的代码中的外部GroupBox的Header并没有反映UI,但是修改了模板DID中定义的内部的。

Anyway I have to re-think my design here. 无论如何,我必须在这里重新考虑我的设计。

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