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[英]Subscribe to events of an existing RichTextContentControl

I'm trying to access all Rich-Text-Content-Controls of an existing .docx Document (Office Open XML). 我正在尝试访问现有.docx文档(Office Open XML)的所有Rich-Text-Content-Controls。

I've found a way to get all Content Controls of a Document by looping over a specified range: 我找到了一种通过遍历指定范围来获取文档的所有内容控件的方法:

var contentControls = new List<ContentControl>();
Range rangeStory;
foreach (Range range in wordDocument.StoryRanges)
    rangeStory = range;
        catch (COMException) { }
        rangeStory = rangeStory.NextStoryRange;
    while (rangeStory != null);

But I can't find a way to cast these ContentControl s (assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word ) to RichTextContentControl s (assembly: Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word ). 但是我找不到将这些ContentControl (程序集: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word )转换为RichTextContentControl (程序集: Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word )的方法。

RichTextContentControl richTextContentControl = contentControl as RichTextContentControl;
throws Exception

I want to do this casting, because I need to subscribe to RichTextContentControl's entering and exiting events. 我想进行此转换,因为我需要订阅RichTextContentControl的进入退出事件。

richTextContentControl.Entering += (sender, args) => {/*..*/ };
richTextContentControl.Exiting += (sender, args) => {/*..*/ }; 

Found it! 找到了! There is a very easy way to access any kind of Content Controls via Vsto: 有一种非常简单的方法可以通过Vsto访问任何内容控件:

foreach (var result in thisDocument.Controls.OfType<RichTextContentControl>())
    result.Entering += (sender, args) =>
        MediatorContext.Current.Send(new CurrentKomponenteChangedRequest(result.ID, State.Entering));

    result.Exiting += (sender, args) =>
        MediatorContext.Current.Send(new CurrentKomponenteChangedRequest(result.ID, State.Exiting));

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