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错误消息:C ++ GUI和Arduino之间的串行通信

[英]Error message: Serial communication between c++ GUI and Arduino

I am about to program a c++ GUI application (wxWidgets) to control an Arduino. 我将要编程一个c ++ GUI应用程序(wxWidgets)以控制Arduino。 I want to use the SerialClass.h and SerialClass.cpp from the Arduino playground site ( http://playground.arduino.cc/Interfacing/CPPWindows ). 我想使用Arduino运动场网站( http://playground.arduino.cc/Interface/CPPWindows )上的SerialClass.h和SerialClass.cpp。 I already built a console application with these .h and .cpp files that is working fine. 我已经用这些.h和.cpp文件构建了一个控制台应用程序,并且运行正常。 Lately, I somehow get a strange error message: 最近,我以某种方式收到一条奇怪的错误消息:

In constructor Serial::Serial(char*) 在构造函数中Serial::Serial(char*)

error: cannot convert 'char*' to 'const WCHAR*' for argument '1' to 'void* CreateFileW(const WCHAR*, DWORD, DWORD, _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES*, DWORD, DWORD, void*)' 错误:无法将参数'1'的'char *'转换为'const WCHAR *'到'void * CreateFileW(const WCHAR *,DWORD,DWORD,_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *,DWORD,DWORD,void *)'

I don't get that message. 我没收到那条消息。 What should be changed in the SerialClass.h or SerialClass.cpp for it to be working? 要使其正常工作,应该在SerialClass.h或SerialClass.cpp中进行哪些更改? The Arduino code is fine. Arduino代码很好。 For completeness I attach the c++ code for the console application. 为了完整起见,我附加了控制台应用程序的c ++代码。 A lot of google-fu was to no avail. 许多Google Fu都无济于事。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "SerialClass.h"    // Library described above
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
bool weiter = true;
int dummy1 = 0;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
cout << "*** This is my Arduino LED app! ***\n" << endl;
//Serial* SP = new Serial("COM4");
//Serial serial("COM4");
Serial serial("COM4");

if (serial.IsConnected())
//printf("We are connected\n");
cout << "We are connected!\n" << endl;

while (weiter == true) {

cout << "Press 1 for LED on; press 0 for LED off!" << endl;
cin >> dummy1;
if (dummy1 == 1) {

if (serial.IsConnected()){
    cout << "LED is on!" << endl;
    cout << "Do you want to continue? 1 for continue, 0 for exit!" << endl;
    //printf("\nData sent successfully!\n");
     cin >> weiter;
else {
    serial.WriteData("p", 1 );
    cout << "LED is off!" << endl;
    cout << "Do you want to continue? 1 for continue, 0 for exit!" << endl;
    cin >> weiter;

if (weiter == 1)
    weiter = true;

if (weiter == 0) {
    weiter = false;
return 0;

EDIT: Here is the code for SerialClass.h and Serial.cpp: 编辑:这是SerialClass.h和Serial.cpp的代码:

#include "SerialClass.h"
Serial::Serial(char *portName)
//We're not yet connected
this->connected = false;

//Try to connect to the given port throuh CreateFile
this->hSerial = CreateFile(portName,

  //Check if the connection was successfull
    //If not success full display an Error

        //Print Error if neccessary
        printf("ERROR: Handle was not attached. Reason: %s not available.\n", portName);

    //If connected we try to set the comm parameters
    DCB dcbSerialParams = {0};

    //Try to get the current
    if (!GetCommState(this->hSerial, &dcbSerialParams))
        //If impossible, show an error
        printf("failed to get current serial parameters!");
        //Define serial connection parameters for the arduino board
        //Setting the DTR to Control_Enable ensures that the Arduino is properly
        //reset upon establishing a connection
        dcbSerialParams.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE;

         //Set the parameters and check for their proper application
         if(!SetCommState(hSerial, &dcbSerialParams))
            printf("ALERT: Could not set Serial Port parameters");
             //If everything went fine we're connected
             this->connected = true;
             //Flush any remaining characters in the buffers
             PurgeComm(this->hSerial, PURGE_RXCLEAR | PURGE_TXCLEAR);
             //We wait 2s as the arduino board will be reseting


And here is the SerialClass.h: 这是SerialClass.h:


#define ARDUINO_WAIT_TIME 2000

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

class Serial
    //Serial comm handler
    HANDLE hSerial;
    //Connection status
    bool connected;
    //Get various information about the connection
    COMSTAT status;
    //Keep track of last error
    DWORD errors;

    //Initialize Serial communication with the given COM port
    Serial(char *portName);
    //Close the connection
    //Read data in a buffer, if nbChar is greater than the
    //maximum number of bytes available, it will return only the
    //bytes available. The function return -1 when nothing could
    //be read, the number of bytes actually read.
    int ReadData(char *buffer, unsigned int nbChar);
    //Writes data from a buffer through the Serial connection
    //return true on success.
    bool WriteData(char *buffer, unsigned int nbChar);
    //Check if we are actually connected
    bool IsConnected();

Serial serial("COM4");

That line passes a char*. 该行通过char *。 To pass a WCHAR* instead you need to change it to: 要传递WCHAR *,您需要将其更改为:

Serial serial(L"COM4");

the CreateFile() function in your constructor requires a const WCHAR * so you somehow need to convert you const char * to const wchar* . 构造函数中的CreateFile()函数需要const WCHAR *,因此您需要以某种方式将const char *转换为const wchar *。

here is a post to do the conversion. 是进行转换的帖子。

Although I don't have much info on this , the post describes several ways to do it One of them being : 尽管我对此没有太多信息,但该帖子描述了几种实现方法。其中之一是:

   char *p="D:\\"; //just for proper syntax highlighting ..."
   const WCHAR *pwcsName;
   // required size
   int nChars = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, p, -1, NULL, 0);
   // allocate it
   pwcsName = new WCHAR[nChars];
   MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, p, -1, (LPWSTR)pwcsName, nChars);
  // use it....

  // delete it
delete [] pwcsName;

} }

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