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[英]AngularJS Usage of Local/Global scope variables

Below is my HTML code along with JS script. 以下是我的HTML代码以及JS脚本。 I need to Change the value of "label" after the button click but it is not changing and using global values only. 单击按钮后,我需要更改“标签”的值,但它没有更改,仅使用全局值。

http://plnkr.co/edit/T4EaZglOnq8Q2UVLWNFm?p=preview http://plnkr.co/edit/T4EaZglOnq8Q2UVLWNFm?p=preview

My preview/Plnkr can be seen here.. 我的预览/ Plnkr可以在这里看到。


var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {

    $scope.firstName = "John";

    $scope.lastName = "Doe";
  $scope.splitYears = function()



You are never updating your $scope.label property inside of the click handler. 您永远不会在点击处理程序中更新$scope.label属性。

$scope.splitYears = {

You are also binding label to an array of objects, not an object directly. 您还将标签绑定到对象数组,而不是直接对象。

As a result, there's no referenced value that is updated when you update your objects (since they're masked by the array) and AngularJS doesn't realize that it needs to update label. 结果,当您更新对象时(因为它们被数组掩盖了),没有引用的值被更新,并且AngularJS没有意识到它需要更新标签。

If instead you bound $scope.label directly to $scope.year1 , you would see label properly update on the UI. 相反,如果你势必$scope.label直接到$scope.year1 ,你会看到标签上的UI正确更新。

Another option is to use a $watch/$watchCollection and automatically update your label outside of the click handler if your year changes. 另一个选择是使用$ watch / $ watchCollection,如果年份更改,则在点击处理程序之外自动更新标签。

$scope.array = [$scope.year1,$scope.year2,$scope.year3]
$scope.label = $scope.array;

$scope.$watchCollection("year1", function (newValue, oldValue) {
    $scope.label = [$scope.year1, $scope.year2, $scope.year3];

$scope.splitYears = function() {      

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