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在Netbeans 8.2中安装和部署?

[英]Installation and deployment in Netbeans 8.2?

my old computer was using netbeans 7.2 it ran good. 我的旧计算机使用的是netbeans 7.2 ,运行良好。 but it was dumb when i rebuild it after repair my computer I can't find where to download 7.2 version it Doesn't run on netbeans 8.2 http://www.mediafire.com/download/c4l8vwl7523h1kl/eProjectRadioCabs-Group2-Bacth59B.rar 但是当我在修理计算机后重建它时,它是愚蠢的,我找不到在何处下载它的版本7.2无法在netbeans 8.2上运行http://www.mediafire.com/download/c4l8vwl7523h1kl/eProjectRadioCabs-Group2-Bacth59B。 rar

On the Netbeans site, goto the Download page, one of the Links will be "Archive", on that page is an drop down list to select version and build type. 在Netbeans站点上,转到“下载”页面,其中一个链接将是“存档”,在该页面上是一个下拉列表,用于选择版本和构建类型。 Select your version and "Release" build type. 选择您的版本和“发行”构建类型。

Or if everything goes well you just try this link: 或者,如果一切顺利,请尝试以下链接:
https://netbeans.org/downloads/7.2/index.html https://netbeans.org/downloads/7.2/index.html

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