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慢的Android Studio 1.3

[英]Slow Android Studio 1.3

Android Studio 1.3 latest stable update is very slow compared to its previous version 1.2.2. 与之前的版本1.2.2相比,Android Studio 1.3最新的稳定更新非常慢。

I have updated Android Studio from 1.2.2 to 1.3 and it just gone slow. 我已将Android Studio从1.2.2更新到1.3,但速度变慢。

It actually scans or compile or something like that all the time while typing. 实际上,它在键入时始终扫描或编译或类似的东西。 Its good but scanning too much makes it slow while typing. 它的功能不错,但扫描过多会使打字时速度变慢。

Even it hangs for a second or two while I type something in comment. 甚至在我在评论中键入内容时,它也会挂一两秒钟。

So I want to know whether I can do something to improve performance. 所以我想知道我是否可以做些改善性能的事情。

I can't downgrade :-( 我不能降级:-(

My previous version was working better. 我以前的版本工作得更好。 Also latest version (1.3) takes lot of time for Gradle Build. 同样,最新版本(1.3)花费大量时间进行Gradle Build。

What should I do ? 我该怎么办 ?

我要说的是,要在Android Studio上正常工作,您至少需要一个Quadcore,8 GB Ram 1600MHZ,以及至少一个Samsung 850 Pro SSD。

I have solved my problem by just increasing RAM from 4GB to 6GB . 我通过将RAM从4GB增加到6GB解决了我的问题。 Actually I was also using Genymotion which consumes almost 1GB ram and makes my PC slow. 实际上,我还使用了Genymotion,它消耗了将近1GB的内存,并使PC变慢。 So now I have also updated Android studio to version 1.4 and updated RAM to 6GB. 因此,现在我也将Android studio更新为1.4版,并将RAM更新为6GB。

Now everything working perfect and fast Android studio as well as genymotion. 现在,一切正常且运行良好,Android Studio以及genymotion都可以正常运行。

So according to me it was only a RAM shortage. 因此,据我了解,这仅仅是RAM短缺。

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