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[英]How to know which SKSpriteNode is affected by collision detection in Swift?

Situation: I have two or more ships on my iOS screen. 情况:我的iOS屏幕上有两艘或更多船。 Both have different attributes like name, size, hitpoints and score points. 两者都有不同的属性,如名称,大小,生命值和得分。 They are displayed as SKSpriteNodes and each one has added a physicsBody . 它们显示为SKSpriteNodes ,每个都添加了一个physicsBody

At the moment those extra attributes are variables of an extended SKSpriteNode class. 目前,这些额外属性是扩展SKSpriteNode类的变量。

import SpriteKit    
class ship: SKSpriteNode {
            var hitpoints: Int = nil?
            var score: Int = nil?

        func createPhysicsBody(){
            self.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius: self.size.width / 2)
            self.physicsBody?.dynamic = true

In this 'game' you can shoot at those ships and as soon as a bullet hits a ship, you get points. 在这个“游戏”中,你可以在那些船上射击,一旦子弹击中一艘船,你就可以获得积分。 'Hits a ship' is detected by collision. 通过碰撞检测到“击中船”。

func didBeginContact(contact: SKPhysicsContact){    
    switch(contact.bodyA.categoryBitMask + contact.bodyB.categoryBitMask){
        case shipCategory + bulletCategory:
            contactShipBullet(contact.bodyA, bodyB: contact.bodyB)

Problem: Collision detection just returns a physicsBody and I do not know how to get my extended SKSpriteNode class just by this physicsBody. 问题:碰撞检测只返回一个physicsBody,我不知道如何通过这个physicsBody得到我的扩展SKSpriteNode类。

Thoughts: Is it a correct way to extend SKSpriteNode to get my objects like a ship to life? 思考:扩展SKSpriteNode以使我的对象像船只一样生命,这是一种正确的方法吗? When I add a ship to my screen it looks like: 当我将一艘船添加到我的屏幕时,它看起来像:

var ship = Ship(ship(hitpoints: 1, score: 100), position: <CGPosition>)

Or is this just a wrong approach and there is a much better way to find out which object with stats so and so is hit by a bullet thru collision detection? 或者这只是一个错误的方法,有一个更好的方法来找出具有统计数据的对象,所以通过碰撞检测被子弹击中?

This question is similar to my other question - I just want ask this in broader sense. 这个问题与我的另一个问题类似 - 我只想在更广泛的意义上问这个问题

The SKPhysicsBody has a property node which is the SKNode associated to the body. SKPhysicsBody有一个属性node ,它是与SKNode相关的SKNode You just need to perform a conditional cast to your Ship class. 您只需要对Ship类执行conditional cast转换。

    if let ship = contact.bodyA.node as? Ship {
        // here you have your ship object of type Ship
        print("Score of this ship is: \(ship.score)!!!")

Please note that the Ship node could be the one associated with bodyB so. 请注意, Ship节点可以是与bodyB关联的节点。

    if let ship = contact.bodyA.node as? Ship {
        // here you have your ship...
    } else if let ship = contact.bodyB.node as? Ship {
        // here you have your ship...

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

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