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[英]String replacement with linq

I have this query it is suppose to get the ip addresses and match them to the DeviceUIDs which is located on another table. 我有这个查询,它假设是要获取IP地址并将它们与位于另一个表上的DeviceUID匹配。 I am looking to replace the "." 我正在寻找替换“。” in the IP Address with "0" but the way I have the code running right now it does not replace the "." 在IP地址中以“ 0”表示,但是我现在运行代码的方式不能替换“。”

Can anyone help me with this please. 谁能帮我这个忙。

 var etjoin = (from e in dxlXs.AsEnumerable()
              join t in tstarresults on new String(e.Field<String>("Ip Address").Replace(".","0").ToArray()) equals t.DeviceUID
              into leftjointable
              from x in leftjointable.DefaultIfEmpty()
              select new ATTModel
                  ATTIP = e != null ? e.Field<String>("IP Address") : "N/A",
                  ATTICCID = e != null ? e.Field<String>("ICCID") : "N/A",
                  ATTSTATUS = e != null ? e.Field<String>("SIM Status") : "N/A",
                  ATTSession = e != null ? e.Field<String>("In Session") : "N/A",
                  ATTActivated = e != null ? e.Field<String>("Activated") : "N/A",
                  IP = x != null ? x.DeviceUID : "N/A",
                  VehicleName = x != null ? x.VehicleName : "N/A",
                  VehicleGroupName = x != null ? x.VehicleGroupName : "N/A",
                  PhoneNumber = x != null ? x.UserDefinedColumn2 : "N/A"

First String.Replace returns a new string with replaced characters, so you don't need the constructor new String(char[]) ( ctor ). First String.Replace返回一个带有替换字符的新字符串,因此您不需要构造函数new String(char[])ctor )。

Second there is nothing explicit wrong with the string replacement. 其次,字符串替换没有明显的错误。 eg "".Replace(".","0") returns "127000001" So you have to be more precise on what is "wrong". 例如"".Replace(".","0")返回"127000001"因此您必须更精确地了解“错误”。

Third your logic is a left join so if you're expecting null values for e when creating your ATTModel you have to check for null in e.Field<String>("Ip Address") too. 第三,您的逻辑是左连接,因此,如果在创建ATTModel时期望e nullATTModel也必须在e.Field<String>("Ip Address")检查null。 (one can guess dxlXs is a DataTable or a DataSet thus the rows are not likely being null ) (可以猜测dxlXs是一个DataTableDataSet,因此行不太可能为null

With your replace in the Join , you are creating a new string just for the purposes of making the join. 使用Join的替换项时,您将仅为了进行连接而创建一个新字符串。 That string is assigned or stored anywhere, so e.Field<String>("Ip Address") will still have the same value (with the dots). 该字符串被分配或存储在任何地方,因此e.Field<String>("Ip Address")仍将具有相同的值( e.Field<String>("Ip Address") )。

If you need ATTIP to have the value with the . 如果您需要ATTIP来将值包含在中. replaced with 0 (although I'm not sure that really makes sense), then you could do something like: 替换为0 (尽管我不确定这是否真的有意义),那么您可以执行以下操作:

 var etjoin = (from e in dxlXs.AsEnumerable()
              let temp = e != null ? e.Field<String>("Ip Address").Replace(".","0") : "N/A"
              join t in tstarresults on temp equals t.DeviceUID
              into leftjointable
              from x in leftjointable.DefaultIfEmpty()
              select new ATTModel
                  ATTIP = temp,

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