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[英]Angular.js: change internal view of a template

I have this html pages: 我有这个html页面:

dashboard.html dashboard.html

<div class="wrapper">
        <div class="box">
            <div class="row row-offcanvas row-offcanvas-left">
                <div class="column col-sm-10 col-xs-11" id="main">
                    <div class="padding" ui-view="main-view"></div>

With this i change the template on "main-view" element: 这样,我更改了“主视图”元素上的模板:

angular.module("gecoDashboard", ["gecoDashboardGui", "gecoDashboardHome", "gecoDashboardBlog", "ui.router"])
.config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
        .state('home', {
            url: '/',
            views: {
                'main-view': {
                    templateUrl: 'dashboard-home-view.html',
            title: "Home"
        .state('blog', {
            url: '/blog',
            views: {
                'main-view': {
            title: "Articoli"
.run(['$location', '$rootScope', function ($location, $rootScope) {
    $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
        if (toState.hasOwnProperty('title')) {
            $rootScope.title = toState.title;

My question is: if my template on "main-view" is like this: 我的问题是:如果我在“主视图”上的模板是这样的:

<h1>Section Title</h1>
<div class="row" ui-view="blog-view"></div>

How i can change a template on "blog-view"? 我如何更改“博客视图”上的模板?

Solved! 解决了! On this link i found the easiest and best solution to multiple view. 此链接上,我找到了针对多视图的最简单,最佳解决方案。

app.js app.js

var myapp = angular.module('myapp', ["ui.router"])
myapp.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider){

    // For any unmatched url, send to /route1

      .state('route1', {
          url: "/route1",
          templateUrl: "route1.html"
      .state('route1.list', {
          url: "/list",
          templateUrl: "route1.list.html",
          controller: function($scope){
            $scope.items = ["A", "List", "Of", "Items"];

    .state('route2', {
        url: "/route2",
        templateUrl: "route2.html"
      .state('route2.list', {
          url: "/list",
          templateUrl: "route2.list.html",
          controller: function($scope){
            $scope.things = ["A", "Set", "Of", "Things"];

index.html 的index.html

<div class="navbar">
  <div class="navbar-inner">
    <a class="brand" href="#">Quick Start</a>
    <ul class="nav">
      <li><a ui-sref="route1">Route 1</a></li>
      <li><a ui-sref="route2">Route 2</a></li>

<div class="row">
  <div class="span12">
    <div class="well" ui-view></div>        

Here is a code sample to the solution of the problem. 是解决问题的代码示例。

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