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[英]How to call a method from a dynamic template in Meteor

I'm building a settings page in Meteor which will include dynamic templates for the many categories of settings. 我正在Meteor中建立一个设置页面,其中将包含用于许多设置类别的动态模板。

What I'm trying to do is have a method in my category template that will be called when I click the submit button on the parent template. 我想做的是在类别模板中有一个方法,当我单击父模板上的“提交”按钮时,该方法将被调用。

settings.html settings.html

  {{> Template.dynamic template=settings}}
  <div class="submit">
    <button>Save Changes</button>

settings.coffee settings.coffee

    'click .submit button': ->

my-dynamic-template.coffee my-dynamic-template.coffee

Template.dynamicTemplate.onCreated ->
    @save = ->
        # doSomething()

my-other-dynamic-template.coffee my-other-dynamic-template.coffee

Template.otherDynamicTemplate.onCreated ->
    @save = ->
        # doSomethingElse()

Is this possible? 这可能吗?

Should I create these methods as window methods, instead of template methods? 我应该将这些方法创建为窗口方法,而不是模板方法吗?

You can add the following code in your child template: 您可以在子模板中添加以下代码:

Template.childTemplate.onCreated ->

    settingsTemplate = this.parentTemplate(...) # ... = number of upstream levels
    settingsTemplate.child ?= []
    settingsTemplate.child.push this

    @save = ->
        console.log 'Save called'

So you can call the following code on the parent template: 因此,您可以在父模板上调用以下代码:


    'click .submit button': ->
        console.log 'submit button clicked'

        instance = Template.instance()

        if instance.child?.length > 0
            for child in instance.child

I have a similar pattern where I just attach the events to the parent template (the one that loads the dynamic template). 我有一个类似的模式,我只是将事件附加到父模板(加载动态模板的事件)。 The data context will be that of the parent but that's still better than attaching the methods to the window object especially since in my case the sub-templates all deal with the same type of object anyway. 数据上下文将是父级的,但仍比将方法附加到窗口对象更好,因为在我的情况下,子模板无论如何都处理相同类型的对象。

In your case, first make the parent of your dynamic templates a template itself: 在您的情况下,首先将动态模板的父模板本身作为模板:

<template name="parent">
    {{> Template.dynamic template=settings}}
    <div class="submit">
      <button>Save Changes</button>

Then just attach the event(s) to that parent: 然后只需将事件附加到该父对象:

    'click .submit button': ->
        save() // generic save function you've defined, for example in this file

This works well when the dynamically included templates have the same kind of object and usually similar DOM elements, at least those that you want to attach events to. 当动态包含的模板具有相同类型的对象并且通常具有相似的DOM元素(至少是要将事件附加到的元素)时,此方法会很好地工作。

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