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Scala Play Json-如何从数组中的元素读取单个元素?

[英]Scala Play Json - how to read a single element from a element in an Array?

I am have this json object 我有这个json对象

val jsonObject = """
  "name" : "camara",
  "project" : {
    "key" : "DOC",
    "name" : "Dockerfiles"
  "cloneUrl" : "https://server/scm/doc/camara.git",
  "links" : {
    "clone" : [ {
      "href" : "https://server/scm/doc/camara.git",
      "name" : "http"
    }, {
      "href" : "ssh://git@server:7999/doc/camara.git",
      "name" : "ssh"
    } ],
    "self" : [ {
      "href" : "url1"
      "href" : "url2"
    } ]

And with this case class and Reader: 并通过此案例类和Reader:

case class Project(name: String, project: String, projectUrl: List[String])

implicit val projectReader: Reads[Project] = (
  (JsPath \ "name").read[String] and
  (JsPath \ "project" \ "name").read[String] and
  (JsPath \ "links" \ "self" \\ "href").read[List[String]])(Project.apply _)

I try to parse to this model: 我尝试解析为该模型:

Json.parse(jsonObject).validate[Project] match {
  case value: JsSuccess[Project] =>
     println(" >> " + value.get)
  case error: JsError =>

The I get this error 我得到这个错误


I have no idea how to extract those hrefs from the self array into the Project class to look like this: 我不知道如何将这些href从self数组提取到Project类中,如下所示:

Project(camara,Dockerfiles,List(url1, url2))

I have looked everywhere, on the internet for a simple example that would help me on the right track, but I haven't managed to find anything that helps. 我在互联网上到处都看过一个简单的示例,可以帮助我走上正轨,但我没有找到任何有用的方法。

How can I solve this issue without changing my Project class's structure ? 我如何在不更改Project类结构的情况下解决此问题?

  import play.api.libs.json._
  import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
  val jsonObject = """
    "name" : "camara",
    "project" : {
      "key" : "DOC",
      "name" : "Dockerfiles"
    "cloneUrl" : "https://server/scm/doc/camara.git",
    "links" : {
      "clone" : [ {
        "href" : "https://server/scm/doc/camara.git",
        "name" : "http"
      }, {
        "href" : "ssh://git@server:7999/doc/camara.git",
        "name" : "ssh"
      } ],
      "self" : [ {
        "href" : "url1"
        "href" : "url2"
      } ]
  case class Project(name: String, project: String, projectUrl: List[String])

  def multiUrls[T](implicit rt: Reads[T]) = Reads[List[T]] { js =>
    val l: List[JsValue] = (__ \ "links" \ "self" \\ "href")(js)

implicit val projectReader: Reads[Project] = (
  (JsPath \ "name").read[String] and
  (JsPath \ "project" \ "name").read[String] and
  multiUrls[String])(Project.apply _)

  Json.parse(jsonObject).validate[Project] match {
    case value: JsSuccess[Project] =>
       " >> " + value.get
    case error: JsError =>
  // >> Project(camara,Dockerfiles,List(url1, url2))

In your case the JSON object's structure does not map 1:1 onto the case class: Below "self" there is another object (with the "href" property), but this level is missing in your case class. 在您的案例中,JSON对象的结构不会将1:1映射到案例类上:在“自我”下方有另一个对象(具有“ href”属性),但是在案例类中缺少此级别。

So you could modify your JSON data or the case class. 因此,您可以修改JSON数据或案例类。

If you want to preserve both, you can parse into a "parse only" case class, and convert this one into the "target" case class after parsing: 如果要保留两者,则可以解析为“仅解析”案例类,并在解析后将其转换为“目标”案例类:

  case class Url(href: String)

  case class ParseProject0(
    name: String,
    project: String,
    projectUrl: List[Url]) {

    def toProject: Project = {
      Project(name, project, projectUrl.map(_.href))

  implicit val urlReader: Reads[Url] = (
    (JsPath \ "href").read[String].map(v => Url(v)))

  implicit val projectReader: Reads[ParseProject] = (
    (JsPath \ "name").read[String] and
      (JsPath \ "project" \ "name").read[String] and
      (JsPath \ "links" \ "self").read[List[Url]])(ParseProject.apply _)

  val parsed = Json.parse(jsonObject)
  val result = parsed.validate[ParseProject] match {
    case value: JsSuccess[ParseProject] =>
      val p = value.get.toProject

    case error: JsError =>

Anyway, looking at your "clone" property in your JSON object, it seems that you need that additional class Url anyway, as that object contains more than one property. 无论如何,查看JSON对象中的“ clone”属性,似乎仍然需要该附加类Url ,因为该对象包含多个属性。

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