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QBO v3 API(IPP)发票或销售收据的TxnTaxDetail与哪个帐户联系?

[英]Which Account does a QBO v3 API (IPP) Invoice or Sales Receipt's TxnTaxDetail touch?

Using the v3 QBO API (part of the Intuit Partner Platform), I'm querying an invoice that includes sales tax, expressed as follows: 使用v3 QBO API(Intuit合作伙伴平台的一部分),我正在查询包含营业税的发票,表示如下:

"TxnTaxDetail": {
    "TxnTaxCodeRef": {
        "value": "3"
    "TotalTax": 35.13, 
    "TaxLine": [
            "DetailType": "TaxLineDetail", 
            "Amount": 35.13, 
            "TaxLineDetail": {
                "NetAmountTaxable": 395.87, 
                "TaxPercent": 8.875, 
                "TaxRateRef": {
                    "value": "4"
                "PercentBased": true

When I run a balance sheet (using the web UI), I can clearly see which sale tax payable account the $35.15 hits, but I can't figure out how to access that information through the API and I really want to . 当我运行资产负债表(使用Web UI)时,可以清楚地看到$ 35.15的点击是哪个营业税应付款,但是我无法弄清楚如何通过API访问该信息,我确实想这样做

I try following the trail of business objects, hoping to find it that way, beginning with the TaxRate, which, when Querying Id 2, turns out to be: 我尝试跟踪业务对象的踪迹,希望以此方式找到它,从TaxRate开始,在查询Id 2时,结果是:

    "RateValue": 8.875, 
    "AgencyRef": {
        "value": "2"
    "domain": "QBO", 
    "Name": "NYC Sales Tax", 
    "SyncToken": "0", 
    "SpecialTaxType": "NONE", 
    "DisplayType": "ReadOnly", 
    "sparse": false, 
    "Active": true, 
    "MetaData": {
        "CreateTime": "2013-02-04T15:18:23-08:00", 
        "LastUpdatedTime": "2013-02-04T15:18:23-08:00"
    "Id": "4", 
    "Description": "Sales Tax"

I gather that maybe AgencyRef has the answer to my question, so querying TaxAgency 2, I get: 我收集到AgencyRef可能回答了我的问题,因此查询TaxAgency 2,我得到:

    "SyncToken": "0", 
    "domain": "QBO", 
    "DisplayName": "New York State Taxes and Finance", 
    "TaxTrackedOnSales": true, 
    "TaxTrackedOnPurchases": false, 
    "sparse": false, 
    "Id": "2", 
    "MetaData": {
        "CreateTime": "2013-02-04T15:18:22-08:00", 
        "LastUpdatedTime": "2013-02-04T15:18:22-08:00"

Now this is where I feel I'm at a dead end. 现在,这是我感到死胡同的地方。

Taking a different tack, I looked at the TxnTaxDetail's TaxCode Ref, but I didn't find any help from TaxCode 3 either: 采取另一种方法,我查看了TxnTaxDetail的TaxCode参考,但我也没有从TaxCode 3找到任何帮助:

    "SyncToken": "0", 
    "domain": "QBO", 
    "TaxGroup": true, 
    "Name": "NYC Sales Tax", 
    "Taxable": true, 
    "PurchaseTaxRateList": {
        "TaxRateDetail": []
    "sparse": false, 
    "Active": true, 
    "Description": "NYC Sales Tax", 
    "MetaData": {
        "CreateTime": "2013-02-04T15:18:22-08:00", 
        "LastUpdatedTime": "2013-02-04T15:18:22-08:00"
    "Id": "3", 
    "SalesTaxRateList": {
        "TaxRateDetail": [
                "TaxTypeApplicable": "TaxOnAmount", 
                "TaxRateRef": {
                    "name": "NYC Sales Tax", 
                    "value": "4"
                "TaxOrder": 0

What am I missing here? 我在这里想念什么? Is it really not possible to access through the API the information of which Account the sales tax portion of this transaction hits? 真的不可能通过API访问此交易的营业税部分触及哪个帐户的信息吗?

The QBO Api posts Sales Tax to a default liability account based on this logic- QBO Api根据以下逻辑将营业税过帐到默认责任帐户:

Transaction => TaxRate => TaxAgency => LiabilityAccount. 交易=> TaxRate => TaxAgency => LiabilityAccount。 However, the api is not smart enough to provide you the details of this default sales tax account. 但是,该API不够智能,无法为您提供此默认销售税帐户的详细信息。 We might have support for this in future. 将来我们可能对此提供支持。

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