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[英]C# Lock Threading

I am currently trying to do some reading for locking for threads in C# . 我目前正在尝试阅读一些有关C#中的线程锁定的信息。

If I have a class similar to below 如果我有一个类似于下面的课程

public class Connection
    bool Connected;
    internal bool startConnection(Device dev)
       // start connection
       Connected = true;

    internal bool endConnection(Device dev)
       // End connection
       Connected = false;

    private void readFromConnected(Device dev)
            // read values from connected device

The problem I have right now is that i have multiple threads using this class to read values from different devices 我现在遇到的问题是,我有多个线程使用此类从不同设备读取值

A problem arises when a thread tries to read values when it is actually disconnected, but attempts to read the values anyways because another thread has kept the Connected bool to true; 当一个线程在实际断开连接时尝试读取值,但又试图读取值时会出现问题,因为另一个线程将Connected bool设置为true。

The thread that is calling this class looks like this. 调用此类的线程看起来像这样。

Device deviceReceived;
public PollingInstance(Device deviceSent)
        deviceReceived = deviceSent;
        aTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(2500); //1000 = 1 sec
        aTimer.Elapsed += OnTimedEvent;
        aTimer.Enabled = true;

 private void OnTimedEvent(Object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

The part of the main class calling Polling Instance looks similar to this 主类调用轮询实例的部分看起来与此类似

foreach(Device dev in listOfDev)
    Task.Factory.StartNew(() => pollThread(dev));
private void pollThread(Device dev)
    PollingInstance testingPoll = new PollingInstance(dev);

Simple. 简单。 Why is connected a bool ? 为什么connected bool

Try this. 尝试这个。

public class Connection
    private int _connections = 0;
    internal bool startConnection(Device dev)
       // start connection
       if(Interlocked.Increment(ref _connections) == 1)
          //do work to connect.

    internal bool endConnection(Device dev)
       // End connection
       if(Interlocked.Decrement(ref _connections) == 0)
          //do work to disconnect.

    private void readFromConnected(Device dev)
        if(_connections > 0)
            // read values from connected device

This will "works" for some values of work. 这将对某些工作价值“起作用”。 But is prone to connections being left open due to exceptions and sloppy/forgetful programming. 但是由于异常和草率/健忘的编程,很容易使连接保持打开状态。 Therefore I would advise the following. 因此,我建议以下几点。

Device device = ...
using(var connection = device.CreateConnection())
    var results = connection.Read();

public abstract class Connection : IDisposable
    public object Read();

public class Device
    private class DeviceConnection : Connection 
        private Device Parent { get; set; }

        void Dispose()
        public object Read() 
            return Device.readFromConnected();

    private int _connections = 0;
    public Connection CreateConnection()
       // start connection
       if(Interlocked.Increment(ref _connections) == 1)
          //do work to connect.
       return new DeviceConnection { Parent = this };

    private bool StopConnection()
       // End connection
       if(Interlocked.Decrement(ref _connections) == 0)
          //do work to disconnect.

    private object readFromConnected()
        //Device is guaranteed to be connected now!

It's hard to say exactly what will happen, because the code you posted won't even compile. 很难确切说明会发生什么,因为您发布的代码甚至无法编译。

you wan't something like this: 你不会是这样的:

private void OnTimedEvent(Object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
    Connection connection = whereverThisComesFrom();
    if(!Monitor.TryEnter(connection))  return; // another timer is in progress
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

You said: 你说:

A problem arises when a thread tries to read values when it is actually disconnected, but attempts to read the values anyways because another thread has kept the Connected bool to true; 当一个线程在实际断开连接时尝试读取值,但又试图读取值时会出现问题,因为另一个线程将Connected bool设置为true。

Can you use a try/finally to ensure you set the boolean properly? 您是否可以尝试/最终确保正确设置布尔值?

The lock keyword is equivalent to a Monitor try/finally. lock关键字等效于Monitor try / finally。

object syncObject = new object();
try {
    // Code updating shared data
finally {

object syncObject = new object();
lock (syncObject) {
// Code updating shared data

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