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使用Entity Framework将int timestamp转换为DateTime

[英]Convert int timestamp to DateTime using Entity Framework

I have a database where the columns are int datatypes. 我有一个数据库,其中列是int数据类型。 The column int-values corresponds to seconds since 1980-01-01 (MS-DOS timestamp). 列int值对应于自1980-01-01以来的秒数(MS-DOS时间戳)。

Is it possible to convert these int-values using Entity Framework? 是否可以使用Entity Framework转换这些int值? If not that else to do? 如果不是那样做呢? The conversion needs to be efficient. 转换需要高效。

I have tried the following SQL in my controller but I receive a JSON error from the client (Fiddler output: JSON=-1): 我在我的控制器中尝试了以下SQL,但是我从客户端收到了一个JSON错误(Fiddler输出:JSON = -1):

public JsonResult GetData()
     var model = entities.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(
        @"SELECT TOP 10 
                 dateadd(S, [timestamp], '1980-01-01') [datetime_conv], 
            FROM [Data_2696415_20] AS tabel");

     return Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

I am using Entity Framework version 6.1. 我正在使用Entity Framework 6.1版。

I would put an additional property on the entity class which gets the original int-value through a converter: 我会在实体类上放置一个额外的属性,它通过转换器获取原始的int值:

public partial class MyEntity
    public DateTime Date
        get { return ConvertToDateTime(this.IntDate); }

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