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在Android Gradle中执行Shell脚本

[英]Execute shell script in android gradle

I want to run a shell script to change the value in string.xml when my app is built. 我想运行一个Shell脚本来在构建我的应用程序时更改string.xml中的值。 Where should I run my script in gradle, since there is no task in it. 我应该在哪里在gradle中运行脚本,因为其中没有任务。 Or, because I will build the app use Jenkins, should I run the script on Jenkins server? 或者,因为我将使用Jenkins构建应用程序,所以我应该在Jenkins服务器上运行脚本吗? Please help me out. 请帮帮我。

    apply plugin: 'com.android.application'

 android {
     compileSdkVersion 22
     buildToolsVersion '22.0.1'

defaultConfig {

buildTypes {
    release {

productFlavors {
    development {}
    production {}

sourceSets {
    androidTest {

packagingOptions {..}

dependencies {...}

You can add a preBuild step that runs the script and makes it depend on build. 您可以添加一个preBuild步骤来运行脚本并使它依赖于构建。

task myPreBuild << {
   commandLine './script.sh'
build.dependsOn myPreBuild

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