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[英]Populating form data from entity in Symfony2

I have an action that basically renders a form and I want it to be a new form if the ID is null and an edit form if the ID matches with the PK in the DB. 我有一个基本上可以呈现表单的动作,如果ID为空,我希望它是一个新表单,如果ID与数据库中的PK匹配,我希望它是一个编辑表单。 Obviously my logic is wrong because a new form is rendering every single time. 显然我的逻辑是错误的,因为每次都会渲染一个新表单。 .

public function editGlobalFirewallFilter(Request $request, Entities\GlobalFirewallFilter $firewall_rule = null) {
    // Check if we have a valid rule. If not create a new blank one and associate our account id
    // if( ! $firewall_rule ) {
    //     $results = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('bundle:GlobalFirewallFilter');
    //     $rules = $results->findAll();
    //     $firewall_rule = new Entities\GlobalFirewallFilter();
    // }
    $firewall_rule = new Entities\GlobalFirewallFilter();

    // Generate our form
    $form = $this->createForm(new SAForms\GlobalFirewallRuleType(), $firewall_rule);


    if($form->isValid()) {

        // Save our firewall rule
        $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();

        return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('_dashboard__global_firewall'));

        return array(
        'title'         => $firewall_rule->getFirewallFilterId() ? 'Edit Rule' : 'New Rule',
        'form'          => $form->createView(),

You should use the form generator command to be oriented in the right way : 您应该使用form generator command以正确的方式定向:

Generating a CRUD Controller Based on a Doctrine Entity 基于原则实体生成CRUD控制器

http://symfony.com/doc/current/bundles/SensioGeneratorBundle/commands/generate_doctrine_crud.html use this command : http://symfony.com/doc/current/bundles/SensioGeneratorBundle/commands/generate_doctrine_crud.html使用以下命令:

php app/console generate:doctrine:crud

I will generate the skeleton of you controller with all the standard actions as wanted, in your specifica case, updateAction , newAction , and editAction . 我将根据需要使用所有标准动作(在您的情况下) updateActionnewActioneditAction生成控制器的骨架。

I am not quite sure why are there results and rules - you don't use them. 我不太确定为什么会有resultsrules -您不使用它们。 I think this code should do the trick. 我认为这段代码应该可以解决问题。

public function editGlobalFirewallFilter(Request $request, Entities\GlobalFirewallFilter $firewall_rule = null) {

    // Check if we have a valid rule. If not create a new blank one and associate our account id
    $firewall_rule = $firewall_rule ?: new Entities\GlobalFirewallFilter();

    // Generate our form
    $form = $this->createForm(new SAForms\GlobalFirewallRuleType(), $firewall_rule);


    if($form->isValid()) {

        // Save our firewall rule
        $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();

        return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('_dashboard__global_firewall'));

    return array(
        'title'         => $firewall_rule->getFirewallFilterId() ? 'Edit Rule' : 'New Rule',
        'form'          => $form->createView(),

PS Sadly I can't comment yet.. Can you provide controller actions where you use this function? PS遗憾的是,我无法发表评论。.您可以在使用此功能的地方提供控制器操作吗?

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