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jQuery ajax无法正常工作

[英]jQuery ajax not working properly

I'm trying to implement some ajax function in my php website. 我正在尝试在我的php网站中实现一些ajax函数。 I basically know how to use jQuery, but for some reason, the returned value is always empty when I alert() it. 我基本上知道如何使用jQuery,但是由于某种原因,当我alert()时返回的值始终为空。 This is the code I use: 这是我使用的代码:


    $ajax_action = _POST('ajax');
    if($ajax_action == "gwonline")
        return 'test';

JS / jQuery: JS / jQuery:

    url: './include/ajax.php',
    data: {ajax: 'gwonline'},
    type: 'post',
    success: function(output) {

I debugged it and it does call the file with an ajax request and returns the value, but not received apparently.. What am I doing wrong here? 我对其进行了调试,它确实使用ajax请求调用了该文件并返回了该值,但显然没有收到该值。我在这里做错了什么? I sincerely don't know.. 我真不知道

The response should be pass by echo function, not return . 响应应该通过echo函数传递,而不是return So you must use echo 'test'; 因此,您必须使用echo 'test'; instead of return 'test'; 而不是return 'test';


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