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如何在Jasmine Test中访问指令的范围

[英]How to access the scope of the directive in Jasmine Test

I cant get the scope of my directive (another option is that I get the scope but my function is not there). 我无法获得指令的范围(另一种选择是获得范围但我的功能不存在)。 I am using Jasmine over Karma. 我在Karma上使用Jasmine。

My directive: 我的指令:

angular.module('taskApp').directive('nkAlertDir', ['$http', function ($http) {
    return {
        template: "<span>{{msg}}</span>",
        replace: true,
        link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
            scope.values = {
                canvas: canvasSize,
                radius: size,
                center: canvasSize / 2

                .suncces(function (data) {
                    scope.msg = data;
                .error(function (err) {
                    //there is always be error because this url does nor exist
                    //but this is not the point in this exercise

            scope.returnNumbers = function () {
                return [2, 2];

My test: 我的测试:

describe('Unit: Directives', function () {

    var element;
    var scope;


    beforeEach(inject(function ($compile, $rootScope) {

        scope = $rootScope;
        element = angular.element('<div nk-alert-dir></div>');

        scope.size = 100;

    it('should bind an alert message of "task added!"', function () {

        var dirScope = element.isolateScope();

Somehow I always get the dirScope is undefined I have tried this: 不知何故,我总是得到dirScope是未定义的,我已经试过了:

  • replaced the digest() in $apply() 替换$apply()digest() $apply()
  • replaced the $rootScope in $rootScope.$new() $rootScope替换为$rootScope $rootScope.$new()

You don't have an isolated scope in your directive, so element.isolateScope() is going to return undefined. 您的指令中没有隔离的范围,因此element.isolateScope()将返回未定义的范围。

Try just accessing the scope: element.scope() 尝试仅访问范围: element.scope()

If you want an isolate scope on your directive, then you have to set the scope property of your directive definition object to a JS object and add the properties there. 如果要在指令上使用隔离范围,则必须将指令定义对象的scope属性设置为JS对象,然后在其中添加属性。 Then you'd be able to use element.isolateScope to get access to the isolate scope. 然后,您将能够使用element.isolateScope来访问隔离范围。

return {
        template: "<span>{{msg}}</span>",
        replace: true,
        scope : {},   // Any properties you want to pass in to the directive on scope would get defined here
        link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
            scope.values = {
                canvas: canvasSize,
                radius: size,
                center: canvasSize / 2

                .suncces(function (data) {
                    scope.msg = data;
                .error(function (err) {
                    //there is always be error because this url does nor exist
                    //but this is not the point in this exercise

            scope.returnNumbers = function () {
                return [2, 2];

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