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[英]chat login not working?(quickblox)

I have been using the same code to login the user to chat 我一直在使用相同的代码登录用户聊天

  var user = QBUUser()   
  user.ID = session.userID    
   user.login = "123456"
   user.password = "password" 


But for the last 5 days i get an error that states that the user has to login to chat. 但是最近5天,我收到一条错误消息,指出用户必须登录才能聊天。

2015-08-11 12:13:48.690 buyzar[3063:73416] -[QBChat(Deprecated) sendMessage:] -> return. 2015-08-11 12:13:48.690 buyzar [3063:73416]-[QBChat(已弃用)sendMessage:]->返回。 You have to be logged in in order to use Chat API 您必须先登录才能使用Chat API

Is there any change i am not aware of? 我不知道有什么变化吗?

Make sure that you have a valid session first. 确保首先有一个有效的会话。 Here is the code that I am using and it works perfectly as you use the completion handle to ensure that the user is logged in before you do anything else. 这是我正在使用的代码,当您使用完成句柄来确保用户已登录后再执行其他操作时,它可以完美地工作。

//MARK: - Completions
var logincompletion: ((success: Bool) -> ())? 
//MARK: - Login

func loginUser(login: String, password: String, completion:
    ((success: Bool) -> ())? = nil) {
        self.logincompletion = completion
        var parameters: QBSessionParameters = QBSessionParameters()

        parameters.userEmail = login
        parameters.userPassword = password

        QBRequest.createSessionWithExtendedParameters(parameters, successBlock: { (response: QBResponse!, session: QBASession!) -> Void in

            var currentUser = QBUUser()
            currentUser.ID = session.userID
            currentUser.password = password
            currentUser.login = login 


            }) { (response: QBResponse!) -> Void in
                if self.logincompletion != nil {
                    self.logincompletion!(success: false)

Here is an example of me calling this code: 这是我调用此代码的示例:

ChatManager.SharedInstance.loginUser(UserManager.SharedInstance.user!.email, password: UserManager.SharedInstance.user!.account_id) { (success) -> () in   
        println("Logged into QuickBlox: \(success)")
        if let appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as? AppDelegate {
            if appDelegate.deviceTokenData != nil {
                var deviceIdentifier = UIDevice.currentDevice().identifierForVendor.UUIDString
                QBRequest.registerSubscriptionForDeviceToken(appDelegate.deviceTokenData, uniqueDeviceIdentifier: deviceIdentifier, successBlock: { (response: QBResponse!, session: [AnyObject]!) -> Void in
                    println("registered for push")
                    }) { (error: QBError!) -> Void in
                        println("could not reigster for push: \(error)")

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