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[英]Meteor Server Side Rendering in App

I've recently got involved with Meteor.js. 我最近参与了Meteor.js。 I have started building my app and am trying to decide whether to use Flowrouter, or React.Router. 我已经开始构建我的应用程序,并试图决定是使用Flowrouter还是React.Router。

I see that FlowRouter includes Server Side Rendering or SSR. 我看到FlowRouter包含服务器端渲染或SSR。 Since I am primarily making a meteor app that will function on an iphone, and iPad are there any advantages / disadvantages to do SSR? 由于我主要是制作可在iPhone上运行的流星应用程序,因此iPad进行SSR有什么优点/缺点? Is it not needed / will it slow down animations or the app in general? 是否不需要/会减慢动画或整个应用程序的速度吗?

FlowRouter SSR is still in beta, It's only for react for now, Blaze support is coming soon. FlowRouter SSR仍处于测试阶段,目前仅作反应,Blaze支持即将推出。 So it's more of Blaze vs React question you can choose either one because SSR eventually will be for both of them. 因此,更多的是Blaze vs React问题,您可以选择其中一个,因为SSR最终将同时适用于这两个问题。 I personally use Blaze, It's great I don't really see the need to switch to React. 我个人使用Blaze,这很棒,我真的没有看到需要切换到React的需求。 Also in the future SSR can come from the meteor team as a core package and we probably won't need to use FlowRouter for it. 同样在将来,SSR可能来自流星团队作为核心软件包,我们可能不需要使用FlowRouter。 SSR has really specific use cases so if you don't know if you need it you probably don't. SSR确实有特定的用例,因此如果您不知道是否需要它,则可能不需要。 SSR will be nice to improve speed (sometimes) and for SEO. SSR可以很好地提高速度(有时)和SEO。 But for now you don't really have to worry about it. 但是现在您不必真的为此担心。

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