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[英]Why my Marionette itemView does not render?

I'm using Marionette with Handlebars templates and I can't get my itemView to render inside a CollectionView. 我将木偶与车把模板一起使用,但无法将我的itemView呈现在CollectionView中。

Here is the CollectionView code: 这是CollectionView代码:

define( [ 'App', 'marionette', 'handlebars', 'models/Model', 'collections/Collection', 'text!templates/welcome.html'],
function(App, Marionette, Handlebars, Model, Collection, template) {
    //ItemView provides some default rendering logic
    var ItemView = Marionette.ItemView.extend( {
        //Template HTML string
        template: Handlebars.compile(template),
        //model: new Model(),

        // View Event Handlers
        events: {

        initialize: function(o) {
            console.log('init itemView');
    return Marionette.CollectionView.extend( {
        issues: new Collection(),
        itemView: ItemView,
        onRender: function() {this.issues.fetch()},
        initialize: function(o) { console.log('init collectionView')}

here is the template 这是模板

<div class="hero-unit">
<h1>Marionette-Require-Boilerplate Lite</h1>
<p>Lightweight Marionette Boilerplate application to get you off the ground fast.</p>
<p class="muted">
    You are viewing this application on
    {{#each items}}
    <tr><td>{{title}} - {{number}}</td></tr>
<a class="btn btn-primary btn-large" href="https:github.com/BoilerplateMVC/">See more Boilerplates</a>

The only thing I get from this code is that the CollectionView does trigger its initialize method and that the collection is fetched from GitHub. 我从这段代码中得到的唯一一件事是CollectionView确实触发了它的initialize方法,并且该集合是从GitHub获取的。

There are multiple reasons this could not be working, depending on the Marionette version you are using: 根据您使用的木偶版本,有多种原因导致此方法无法正常工作:

  1. For the latest Marionette version, you have to use 'childView' instead of 'itemView'. 对于最新的木偶版本,您必须使用“ childView”而不是“ itemView”。
  2. The items to display are expected in the property 'collection' not 'issues'. 显示的项目应在属性“集合”中而不是“问题”中。

    example: 例:

      var IssuesView = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({ childView: IssueView, onRender: function () { this.collection.fetch(); }, initialize: function (o) { console.log('init collectionView'); } }); new IssuesView({'collection': new Backbone.Collection()}); 

Now, based on the code you provided, I assume your goal is to display the issues inside 'items', if that is correct, I will suggest to use a 'CompositeView' instead, and then you can provide a 'container' and render the 'issues' inside the items. 现在,根据您提供的代码,我假设您的目标是在“项目”中显示问题,如果正确,我建议改用“ CompositeView”,然后您可以提供“容器”并进行渲染项目内部的“问题”。 For example: 例如:

        var IssueView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
            itemTag: 'tr',
            //Template HTML string
            template: Handlebars.compile($("#item-template").html()),
            //model: new Model(),

            // View Event Handlers
            events: {

            initialize: function (o) {
                console.log('init itemView');
        var IssuesView = Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
            childView: IssueView,
            childViewContainer: "#issues",
            template: Handlebars.compile($("#some-template").html()),
            onRender: function () {
            initialize: function (o) {
                console.log('init collectionView');

Where your templates are: 您的模板在哪里:

<script id="item-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
    {{title}} - {{number}}
<script id="some-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
  <div class = "hero-unit" >
    <h1>Marionette - Require - Boilerplate Lite </h1>
    <p>Lightweight Marionette Boilerplate ...</p>
    <p class = "muted"> You are viewing this application on </p>
    <table id="issues">


Here is jsfiddle with a working version of this: http://jsfiddle.net/gvazq82/v5yj6hp4/2/ 这是jsfiddle及其工作版本: http : //jsfiddle.net/gvazq82/v5yj6hp4/2/

Your problem is that you're not specifying a collection in your CollectionView. 您的问题是您没有在CollectionView中指定集合。 You want to instead do 你想做

var collectionView = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
    collection: new issues

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