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[英]Two y-axis plot without overlapping

I am trying to make a graphic with to y-axis that the values of each y-axis start at the middle of the box so the 2 lines that I am plotting do not overlap. 我试图制作一个到y轴的图形,以使每个y轴的值都在框的中间开始,这样我绘制的2条线就不会重叠。 I have search for some time but have not found any way to do that with the basic XY graphics from R and i am adding some other things to the graphic so i don't want to do it with other package. 我已经搜索了一段时间,但是还没有找到用R中的基本XY图形执行此操作的任何方法,并且我在图形中添加了其他内容,因此我不想使用其他程序包执行此操作。


With the graphic in mind what I need it that the top one "merges" with the bottom and that the values on the left y-axis of the top graph change to the right but start at the middle, that way the lines wont overlap. 考虑到图形,我需要使顶部的图形与底部的图形“合并”,并且顶部图形的左侧y轴的值向右更改,但从中间开始,这样线条就不会重叠。

Do you mean something like this? 你的意思是这样吗?

d1 <- data.frame(x=1:10, y=sin(1:10))
d2 <- data.frame(x=1:10, y=sin(1:10)+10)

plot(rbind(d1,d2), t="n", yaxt="n")
axis(2, at=pretty(d1$y))
axis(4, at=pretty(d2$y))

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