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[英]Nancy on Linux is using 100% CPU

My nancy web-apps are using up together 100% CPU without them actually being used. 我的nancy Web应用程序一起消耗了100%的CPU,而实际上并未使用它们。

They are running inside a docker container on mono. 它们在mono上的docker容器内运行。 The only thing I could think about to cause this, would be the endless loop in my main function, something like 我唯一能想到的原因是主函数中的无尽循环,例如

while(Console.ReadLine() != "quit") {}

but I thought, Console.ReadLine() would be blocking and therefore this loop would only execute, whenever there is some input, which there shouldn't be ever. 但我认为, Console.ReadLine()会阻塞,因此,只有在有一些输入(永远都不会存在)时,才会执行此循环。 Amy I missing something? 艾米,我想念什么吗? Are there other reasons for nancy to use up all the CPU in mono? 南希还有其他原因要用完Mono中的所有CPU吗? - In Windows during development it seems to run fine. -在Windows开发过程中,它似乎运行良好。

Update: 更新:

The application in docker is simply started with mono NancyServer.exe . mono NancyServer.exe的应用程序仅由mono NancyServer.exe启动。 The memory usage is much lower than the previous XPS-base version (50-70MB instead of 160-180MB), but the XPS-based application uses less than 0.1% of CPU (also not really doing anything) 内存使用率比以前的基于XPS的版本要低得多(50-70MB而不是160-180MB),但是基于XPS的应用程序使用的CPU不到0.1%(也没有做任何事情)

I can reproduce the non-blocking behaviour by starting a container in the foreground if none of the -t or -i options are used. 如果不使用-t-i选项,则可以通过在前台启动容器来重现非阻塞行为。 In that particular case then Console.ReadLine() won't block. 在这种情况下, Console.ReadLine()不会被阻止。

If either -i or -t is used, then Console.ReadLine blocks. 如果使用-i-t ,则Console.ReadLine块。 Also if I run the container in the background (with the -d option ), Console.ReadLine() is blocking. 另外,如果我在后台运行容器(使用-d选项 ),则Console.ReadLine()会阻塞。

Make sure to use either -t or -i if you run your container in the foreground. 如果在前台运行容器,请确保使用-t-i

The high CPU load is caused by that while loop because you don't put the current thread to sleep for a short time. 高CPU负载是由while循环引起的,因为您不会使当前线程短时间进入睡眠状态 Like: 喜欢:

while(Console.ReadLine() != "quit") {Thread.Sleep(10);}

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