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[英]ASP validation client side

I've made a site web that's going to be only used by the company. 我制作了一个网站网站,仅供公司使用。 I've done my validation only on server side and I tested for it to be safe . 我只在服务器端进行过验证,并进行了安全性测试 I did some meetings to teach the users how to use the site correctly. 我召开了一些会议,教用户如何正确使用该网站。 Plus, I have some ugly popups made with C# (for particular situations). 另外,我有一些用C#制作的难看的弹出窗口(针对特定情况)。

Now, I'm wondering if I should add some validation on client side? 现在,我想知道是否应该在客户端添加一些验证?

  • Is it to late to add it? 添加到现在晚了吗?
  • In my case, what would be the advantages? 就我而言,优势是什么?
  • Does user should know how to use the site (instead of validation that would guide/help them)? 用户是否应该知道如何使用该网站(而不是指导/帮助他们的验证)?
  • Does client side validations can avoid me to teach to new users and to employees from other factories? 客户端验证是否可以避免我教新用户和其他工厂的员工?


Ok, here are the answers to your questions to the best of my knowledge: 好的,据我所知,这是您的问题的答案:

Now, I'm wondering if I should add some validation on client side? 现在,我想知道是否应该在客户端添加一些验证?

Client side validation enhances the user experience and saves you a lot of round trips to the server. 客户端验证可增强用户体验,并为您节省许多往返服务器的费用。 You should definately consider adding client side validation. 您绝对应该考虑添加客户端验证。 However you should never trust what is comming to you from client side; 但是,您永远不应相信客户端会给您带来什么。 server side validation is a must. 服务器端验证是必须的。 You already have that; 您已经拥有了; don't remove it. 不要删除它。

Is it to late to add it? 添加到现在晚了吗?

No, it is never too late to correct your mistakes or make enhancements to your application. 不,纠正错误或增强应用程序永远不会太晚。

In my case, what would be the advantages? 就我而言,优势是什么?

To name a few -- Better user experience, less load on server, a layer of added code security. 仅举几例-更好的用户体验,更少的服务器负载,一层额外的代码安全性。

Does user should know how to use the site (instead of validation that would guide/help them)? 用户是否应该知道如何使用该网站(而不是指导/帮助他们的验证)? Does client side validations can avoid me to teach to new users and to employees from other factories? 客户端验证是否可以避免我教新用户和其他工厂的员工?

Yes, a good application should not require training to user, or only a minimal amount of training should be needed. 是的,一个好的应用程序不需要培训用户,或者只需要很少的培训。 The application itself should drive the user in right direction. 应用程序本身应将用户带向正确的方向。 Client side validations and functionality helps achieve this to a large extent. 客户端验证和功能可以在很大程度上帮助实现这一目标。

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