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[英]non-static class factory method - C#

I put together this to parse out a string and then return 3 values in a SQL stored procedure (I have another C# method that formats the 3 values based on the output format you choose, but there is no issue with that code so I did not post it). 我将其组合起来以解析出一个字符串,然后在一个SQL存储过程中返回3个值(我还有另一个C#方法,它根据您选择的输出格式来格式化3个值,但是该代码没有问题,所以我没有发表它)。 When my boss saw my code, he said this: 当我的老板看到我的代码时,他说:

"How do you have a non-static class factory method? You need to create an object to parse a string to create an object to use? “您如何有一个非静态的类工厂方法?您需要创建一个对象来解析字符串以创建要使用的对象吗?

Why move the parse into the class instead of leaving it where it was and just passing back the new class to hold the data?" 为什么将分析移到该类中,而不是将其保留在原来的位置,而只是将其传递回新类以保存数据?”

I had made a new class, but I can easily move it into the other one. 我上了一堂新课,但是我可以轻松地将其转移到另一堂课。 The issue is I don't know what he means by non-static factory method, and also I don't know how to assign Value, Fraction and Direction without creating a new instance of TwpRng like I did : TwpRng result = new TwpRng(); 问题是我不知道他的非静态工厂方法什么意思,而且我也不知道如何在不像我那样创建TwpRng的新实例的情况下赋值,小数和方向 :TwpRng result = new TwpRng( );

This is my first crack at c# BTW. 这是我在C#BTW的第一个裂缝。

public class TwpRng
public string Value;
public string Fraction;
public string Direction;

public TwpRng GetValues(string input)
    TwpRng result = new TwpRng();
    result.Value = "";
    result.Fraction = "";
    result.Direction = "";

    Regex pattern_1 = new Regex(@"(?i)^\s*(?<val>\d{1,3})(?<frac>[01235AU])(?<dir>[NEWS])\s*$");    // Example:  0255N
    Match match_1 = pattern_1.Match(input);

    Regex pattern_2 = new Regex(@"(?i)^\s*(?<val>\d{1,3})(?<dir>[NEWS])\s*$");    // Example:  25N
    Match match_2 = pattern_1.Match(input);

    Regex pattern_3 = new Regex(@"(?i)^\s*(?<val>\d{1,3})(?<frac>[01235AU])\s*$");    // Example:  25A
    Match match_3 = pattern_1.Match(input);

    if (match_1.Success)
        result.Value = match_1.Groups["val"].Value;
        result.Fraction = match_1.Groups["frac"].Value;
        result.Direction = match_1.Groups["dir"].Value.ToUpper();             
    else if (match_2.Success)
        result.Value = match_2.Groups["val"].Value;
        result.Direction = match_2.Groups["dir"].Value.ToUpper();
    else if (match_3.Success)
        result.Value = match_3.Groups["val"].Value;
        result.Fraction = match_1.Groups["frac"].Value;
        result = null;
    return result;

} }

How do you have a non-static class factory method? 您如何有一个非静态的类工厂方法? You need to create an object to parse a string to create an object to use? 您需要创建一个对象来分析字符串以创建要使用的对象吗?

What he means by that is that currently in order to parse input, you'd need to do this: 他的意思是,当前要解析输入,您需要执行以下操作:

var twpRng = new TwpRng(); // Doesn't really make sense to instantiate an empty object
twpRng = twpRng.GetValues(input); // just to create another one.

If you made your factory method GetValues static : 如果将工厂方法GetValues 静态

public static TwpRng GetValues(string input)

You could parse more easily: 您可以更轻松地解析:

var twpRng = TwpRng.GetValues(input);

If you change: 如果您更改:

public TwpRng GetValues(string input)

to: 至:

public static TwpRng GetValues(string input)

you have changed from a non-static to a static factory pattern. 您已从非静态工厂模式更改为静态工厂模式。 The calling sequence for the two would be as follows: 两者的调用顺序如下:

TwpRng myRng = new TwpRng();
TwpRng createdRng = myRng.GetValues(input);

as opposed to: 相对于:

TwpRng createdRng = TwpRng.GetValues(input);

The rest of your code can be the same. 您的其余代码可以相同。

Expanded Explanation 扩展说明

What your boss is asking about is the use of the static modifier. 老板问的是static修饰符的使用。 Static methods can be called without instantiating (creating an instance of) the class first, and are often used to parse data and return a fully hydrated instance of the class. 可以在不首先实例化该类(创建其实例)的情况下调用静态方法,并且这些静态方法通常用于解析数据并返回该类的完全水合实例。 Static methods can also be used for utility classes and methods (where an instantiated object may overkill) and you just want to group a bunch of functionality. 静态方法也可以用于实用程序类和方法(其中实例化的对象可能会导致过度杀伤),而您只想对一堆功能进行分组。

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