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无需预先加载即可使AngularJS Transition更清洁

[英]Make AngularJS Transition cleaner without preloading

I remember reading a guide on how to make sure angular doesn't preload the {{ }} and other various bits before the final render for a few milliseconds, but I can't dig it up. 我记得读过一个指南,该指南如何确保角度在最终渲染之前的几秒钟内不会预加载{{}}和其他各种位,但是我无法对其进行深入研究。

Can anyone point me in the right direction? 谁能指出我正确的方向?

You can use $stateChangeStart event of ui-route to check whether user try to go to a state which requires authentication. 您可以使用ui-route的$ stateChangeStart事件来检查用户是否尝试进入需要身份验证的状态。 You need to listen to that event during run phase of your app, you can check the following. 您需要在应用的运行阶段监听该事件,您可以检查以下内容。

angular.module("yourApp").run(function($rootScope, $state){
    $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams){
         if(toState === "yourStateWhichRequiresAuthentication" && authenticationFailed){

} }) }); }})});

Even better you can add data to your states and define which states need authentication and check whether toState needs authentication using that data value as the following: 更好的是,您可以将数据添加到状态中,并使用以下数据值来定义哪些状态需要认证,并检查toState是否需要认证:

//Data Definition in your state definition
  .state("main", {
    url: "main",
    template: "<div>Main State</div>",
    data: {needsAuthentication: true})

if (toState.data && toState.data.needsAuthentication) {
   if (!$rootScope.isAuthenticated()) { // user is not logged in

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