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[英]Infinite scroll within Ajax

So, I have Ajax enabled on my Wordpress site as the following: 所以,我在我的Wordpress网站上启用了Ajax,如下所示:

id within any anchor within the chosen div will be saved and used to find an appropriate php file then loaded at an appropriate content div. 将保存所选div中任何锚点内的id并用于查找适当的php文件,然后在适当的内容div中加载。


<!--Menu part -->
 <div class="royal_front_menu">
      <a href="#rcp_front_front_id" class="mdl-tabs__tab is-active" id="front_id">All</a>       
      <a href="#rcp_front_electronic_id" class="mdl-tabs__tab" id="electronic_id">Electronics</a>         

<!--Content Part-->
<div class="active" id="rcp_front_front_id">  
     <div class="spinner"></div>
<div class="not_active" style="display:none;" id="rcp_front_electronic_id"> 
     <div class="spinner"></div> 

//Ajax loading
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    jQuery('.royal_front_menu a').click(function(e) {

        var tab_id = jQuery(this).attr('id'); 

            type: "GET",
            url: "<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>", 
            dataType: 'html',
            data: ({ action: 'royal_front_tab', id: tab_id}),
            success: function(data){
                  jQuery('#rcp_front_' + tab_id).html(data);

        error: function(data)  
        return false;




//Ajax call for front page for Mobile
function royal_front_tab_rhm_callback() {  
     $template_part_path = 'page-parts/rhm/front/01_front_menu_' .  $_GET['id'];
 add_action('wp_ajax_royal_front_tab_rhm', 'royal_front_tab_rhm_callback');
 add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_royal_front_tab_rhm', 'royal_front_tab_rhm_callback');

01_front_menu_front_id.php 01_front_menu_front_id.php

<div class="content">
    <?php echo do_shortcode('[Post_Shortcode]'); ?> 

So far so good... 到现在为止还挺好...

So, with the following setup, everything is working fine. 因此,通过以下设置,一切正常。 All the contents are called only when clicked etc. GREAT! 只有在点击等时才会调用所有内容。太棒了!

However, I am trying to add one more feature: Infinite scroll 但是,我正在尝试添加一个功能: 无限滚动

What I have done so far: 到目前为止我做了什么:

I followed the following instruction: http://wptheming.com/2012/03/infinite-scroll-to-wordpress-theme/ 我按照以下说明操作: http//wptheming.com/2012/03/infinite-scroll-to-wordpress-theme/

So, I tried this on a separate dummy site to see how it works before messing things up. 所以,我在一个单独的虚拟网站上尝试了这个,看看它在搞乱之前是如何工作的。


Add the following to the function.php : 将以下内容添加到function.php

// To add infinitescroll js
function custom_theme_js(){
    wp_register_script( 'infinite_scroll',  get_template_directory_uri() . '/custom_js/jquery.infinitescroll.min.js', array('jquery'),null,false );

add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'custom_theme_js');

//To add selectors
function custom_infinite_scroll_js() {
    { ?>
        navSelector  : jQuery('.site-pagination'),
        nextSelector : jQuery('.site-pagination > a.next'),
        itemSelector :  '.royal_card.site-row-fluid.site-grid-list > .royal_card_outer.royal_card_content_grid',
        contentSelector: jQuery('.royal_card.site-row-fluid.site-grid-list'),
    msgText: "Yay"  
        jQuery('.royal_card.site-row-fluid.site-grid-list > .royal_card_outer.royal_card_content_grid').after('');
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'custom_infinite_scroll_js',100 );

When I tried this on a dummy site (without Ajax), it works fine. 当我在虚拟站点(没有Ajax)上尝试这个时,它工作正常。 I can get the next page content as infinite scroll . 我可以将下一页内容视为infinite scroll

The "Normal" URL from the dummy site is this: 虚拟站点的"Normal" URL是这样的:

 <a class="page-numbers" href="http://example.com/page/2/">2</a>

Problem 问题

So, with the Ajax page, I found something peculiar. 所以,通过Ajax页面,我发现了一些奇特的东西。 The page URL became somewhat odd: 页面网址变得有点奇怪:

 <a class="page-numbers" href="http://example.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.phppage/2/?action=royal_front_tab&amp;id=front_all_id">2</a>

Because it is not a normal URL, it leads to a "404" page as it does not exist. 因为它不是normal URL,所以它会导致“404”页面,因为它不存在。

Here is my guess 这是我的猜测

I thought that jQuery('.royal_front_menu a').click(function(e) { which any anchor within royal_front_menu div will be affected. But the content is loaded outside of the div. 我认为jQuery('.royal_front_menu a').click(function(e) {其中royal_front_menu div中的任何锚点都会受到影响。但是内容是在div之外加载的。

Okay, I am confused to why it is happening. 好吧,我很困惑为什么会这样。

Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?


<a class="page-numbers" href="http://example.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php/page/2/?action=royal_front_tab&amp;id=front_all_id">2</a>

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