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ria服务+ jQuery

[英]ria services + jquery

I have used ria.js and upshot but I get the same error in jquery: 我使用了ria.jsria.js ,但在jquery中遇到了相同的错误:

object is undefined 对象未定义

This error is thrown from jQuery on line 630, inside jQuery在第630行内部抛出此错误

each:function 每个:函数
--> length = object.length ->长度= object.length

My javascript can call the domainservice and have the json response, and in the debugger I have this response: 我的JavaScript可以调用domainservice并具有json响应,而在调试器中,我具有以下响应:

    "GetTodoItemsResult": {
        "TotalCount": 4,
        "RootResults": [{
            "IsDone": false,
            "Title": "Todo item 1",
            "TodoItemId": 1
        }, {
            "IsDone": false,
            "Title": "Todo item 2",
            "TodoItemId": 2
        }, {
            "IsDone": false,
            "Title": "Todo item 3",
            "TodoItemId": 3
        }, {
            "IsDone": false,
            "Title": "Todo item 4",
            "TodoItemId": 4

i got it ! 我知道了 ! just add transmitMetadata="true" in web.config : 只需在web.config中添加sendMetadata =“ true”:

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