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[英]How to submit data using AJAX and POST Method

How can I post the following form using Ajax . 如何使用Ajax发布以下表单。 When submitting the form that page refreshes and I want to avoid that. 提交表单时,页面会刷新,我想避免这种情况。

<form method="post" action="" > 
    <div class="rp-donation-block checkout_donation" >
        <p class="message"><strong><?php echo $this->get_setting('message'); ?></strong></p>
        <div class="input text">
            <input type="text" value="<?php echo $amount; ?>" class="input-text text-donation" name="donation-amount">
            <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $this->get_setting('btn_lable'); ?>" class="button" name="donate-btn">

I tried both of these with no luck. 我没有运气尝试过这两个。

<form method="post" action="" onSubmit="return false">
<form method="post" action="" action= "<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">

A form is not mandatory to post using Ajax . 使用Ajax发布表单不是强制性的。 You can write an Ajax request using just a button click as well. 您也可以仅单击按钮即可编写Ajax请求。

$(function () {
    $('#buttonId').on('click', function (e) {
            type: "POST",
            cache: false,
            url: <url_name>, //some php file where you may hit the database and want to modify content
            data:{'post1': <post1value>,'post2': <post2value>},
            datatype: "JSON", // can be html or text as well
            success: function (data) {
                var actualData = $.parseJSON(data); // if in case of JSON

If you want to invoke only on form submission you can write your Ajax like so. 如果只想在表单提交时调用,则可以这样编写Ajax

$('#formId').on('submit', function (e) {

On the other side use : 另一方面使用:

$post_1 = $_POST['post1'];

To Get post1 value. 获取post1值。

I suppose your form element has id of form as <form id="form"... 我想你的表单元素具有的ID form<form id="form"...

// Attach a submit handler to the form
$( "#form" ).submit(function( event ) {

// Stop form from submitting normally

// Get some values from elements on the page:
var $form = $( this ),
donate_amount = $form.find( "input[name='donation-amount']" ).val(),
url = $form.attr( "action" );

// Send the data using post
var posting = $.post( url, { amount: donate_amount } );

// Put the results in message div
  posting.done(function( data ) {
    var message_returned = $( data ).find( "#message" ); //hope your are returning message, also you can return other things like message type and create message on frontend as accordingly
    $( ".message" ).empty().append( message_returned ); //adding returned message to your message div

The button you are using to trigger the event that causes the submit of the form via ajax post should not be of type submit ! 用于触发通过ajax post提交表单的事件的按钮的类型不应为Submit Else this will always fail. 否则,这将始终失败。

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