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[英]Dynamic onClick and render in ReactJS

im new to React and I need some help figuring this out! 我是React的新手,我需要一些帮助来解决这个问题!

I have a Json object: 我有一个Json对象:

var exampleJson = {
    title: "title",
    blocks: [
            type: "block1",
            items: [{id: "1", count: 1},
                    {id: "2", count: 1},]
            type: "block2",
            items: [{id: "3", count: 1},
                    {id: "4", count: 1},]

I want to get every block in the object and render the data inside each block(including looping through items inside the block) in a div. 我想获取对象中的每个块,并在div中渲染每个块内的数据(包括遍历该块内的项目)。 The div should have a dynamic onClick-event that registers wich block was clicked. div应该具有一个动态的onClick事件,该事件注册了被单击的块。

This is what I got: 这就是我得到的:

var BlockListClass = React.createClass({
blockClicked: function() {
    // Here I dont know what block I clicked
loopBlocks: function(_data, blockClicked) {
         // loop blocks
        {_data.map(function(object, i){
            var result = <div className="block" key={i}> 
                         <h2 onClick={blockClicked} key={i}> {object.type} </h2>
         // Loop items
         for (var key in object.items) {
              if (object.items.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
               result.props.children.push(<h2 key={key+10}> {object.items[key].id} </h2>);
         return result;
render: function() {
  var _data = exampleJson.blocks;
  var blockClicked = this.blockClicked;
  var renderer = this.loopBlocks(_data,blockClicked);
    <div className="BlockList">

}); });

And then render BlockListClass like this: 然后像这样渲染BlockListClass:

<BlockListClass />

// you could do something like this //你可以做这样的事情

var BlockListClass = React.createClass({
blockClicked: function(e) {
    var id = e.currentTarget.id;
loopBlocks: function(_data, blockClicked) {
         // loop blocks
        {_data.map(function(object, i){
            var result = <div className="block" key={i}> 
                         <h2 onClick={blockClicked} id={i} key={i}> {object.type} </h2>
         // Loop items
         for (var key in object.items) {
              if (object.items.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
               result.props.children.push(<h2 key={key+10}> {object.items[key].id} </h2>);
         return result;
render: function() {
  var _data = exampleJson.blocks;
  var blockClicked = this.blockClicked;
  var renderer = this.loopBlocks(_data,blockClicked);
    <div className="BlockList">

The question that you asked is essentially, "how do I pass arguments to onClick events on React Elements". 您提出的问题本质上是“如何将参数传递给React Elements上的onClick事件”。 This is a common pattern you will have to follow in React. 这是React中必须遵循的常见模式。 The easiest way to do this, is just to bind the value to the function call. 最简单的方法是将值绑定到函数调用。 ie

<h2 onClick={blockClicked.bind(this, i)} key={i}> {object.type} </h2>

Then your handler would look like the following 然后您的处理程序将如下所示

blockClicked: function(i) {

If you still need access to the click event, then you could initially pass in the index value, and return a function to be called when the onClick event is triggered: 如果仍然需要访问click事件,则可以首先传递索引值,并在触发onClick事件时返回要调用的函数:

<h2 onClick={blockClicked(i)} key={i}> {object.type} </h2>

With a resulting handler: 使用结果处理程序:

blockClicked: function(i) {
  return function(e) {
    // do what you want with 'e' 

Edit: I should also note that my answer is very general. 编辑:我还应该注意,我的回答很笼统。 Since your element is nested in a map(function(){...}) , binding 'this' will cause an error. 由于您的元素嵌套在map(function(){...}) ,因此绑定'this'将导致错误。 You will need to bind it to the correct context. 您将需要将其绑定到正确的上下文。 However, I think that is out of the scope of this question. 但是,我认为这超出了这个问题的范围。 Just wanted to let you know if you run into that issue. 只是想让您知道是否遇到该问题。

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