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[英]PropertyGrid Not Updating List of String

I'm having a little trouble with a PropertyGrid . 我在使用PropertyGrid遇到了一些麻烦。

I have set the selected object to a class containing various properties and 90% of them work correctly but for any where the property is a List(Of String) it doesn't appear to call the Set part of the property. 我已经将选定的对象设置为包含各种属性的类,并且其中90%可以正常工作,但是对于该属性为List(Of String)任何属性,它似乎都没有调用该属性的Set部分。

The class I have is as follows (shortened version): 我的班级如下(简化版):

Public Class VideosProperties
    Public Property EpisodeColorOdd As Color
            Return Videos_EpisodeColorOdd
        End Get
        Set(value As Color)
            Videos_EpisodeColorOdd = value
        End Set
    End Property

    <Editor("System.Windows.Forms.Design.StringCollectionEditor, System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a",
    "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor,System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")>
    Public Property Extensions As List(Of String)
            Return Videos_Extensions
        End Get
        Set(value As List(Of String))
            Videos_Extensions = value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

I have set the SelectedObject to be this class using the following code: 我使用以下代码将SelectedObject设置为此类:

Dim _Properties As Object

_Properties = New VideosProperties

PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = _Properties

I have Initialized the List using the following code: 我已经使用以下代码初始化了列表:

Extensions = New List(Of String)

When I run my code, the PropertyGrid shows the EpisodeColorOdd property and this works correctly, but the Extensions property doesn't. 当我运行代码时, PropertyGrid显示EpisodeColorOdd属性,并且此属性可以正常运行,但是Extensions属性却不能。

When you edit the Extensions property using the PropertyGrid , it doesn't call the Set(value as List(Of String)) part of the property. 使用PropertyGrid编辑扩展属性时,它不会调用PropertyGridSet(value as List(Of String))部分。

I've had a look around and can't seem to find a solution (I'm probably not looking hard enough). 我四处张望,似乎找不到解决方法(我可能看起来不够努力)。

Can anyone help? 有人可以帮忙吗?


Plutonix - Your code doesn't work. Plutonix-您的代码无效。 I have already copied and pasted into a new project and I get errors. 我已经复制并粘贴到一个新项目中,但出现错误。
I get an error at 我在遇到错误


telling me "Type 'Editor' is not defined", so I Imported "System.ComponentModel" and now get an error saying "Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'New' accepts this number of arguments." 告诉我“未定义类型'Editor'”,因此我导入了“ System.ComponentModel”,现在收到一条错误消息,“过载解析失败,因为没有可访问的'New'接受此数量的参数。” at the same point. 在同一时间。

If I remove the that part it doesn't work correctly. 如果我删除了那部分,它将无法正常工作。

I run the code, the form opens, I click on the Foods property and an Editor opens, I click Add and get the error "Constructor on type 'System.String' not found." 我运行代码,打开表单,单击Foods属性,然后打开编辑器,单击“添加”,并显示错误“找不到类型'System.String'的构造函数”。 which I've had before, and I fixed using 我以前有过,我固定使用

<Editor("System.Windows.Forms.Design.StringCollectionEditor, System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor,System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")> 

instead of 代替


Now though, when I click on the property, it brings up a different editor and doesn't actually access the Set part of the property. 现在,当我单击该属性时,它会显示一个不同的编辑器,并且实际上并没有访问该属性的Set部分。 So, I'm back to square one. 所以,我回到正题。

I cant be sure but from the code shown, you dont initialize the collection. 我不能确定,但​​是从显示的代码中,您不会初始化集合。 Both the PropertyGrid and StringCollectionEditor are intended to edit existing properties values. PropertyGridStringCollectionEditor均旨在编辑现有属性值。 By not initializing the List - which itself is an object - that property container does not exist and neither of them will create it for you. 通过不初始化本身就是对象的List ,该属性容器将不存在,并且它们都不为您创建它。

Your code shows the getter/setter boilerplate, but nothing about the backing fields. 您的代码显示了getter / setter样板,但没有任何有关后备字段的信息。

Also, since VideosProperties is a Type, you should use it to declare your variable as that Type rather than As Object . 另外,由于VideosProperties是Type,因此应使用它来将变量声明为Type而不是As Object By doing that, you are casting the var to the lowest possible form; 这样,您将var转换为尽可能低的形式。 your properties are only available via late binding which requires Option Strict off. 您的属性只能通过后期绑定使用,这需要Option Strict禁用Option Strict

Public Class Animal
    ' auto implement props available since VS2010:
    Public Property Name As String
    Public Property Species As String
    Public Property Weight As Double
    Public Property Coloring As Color

    ' backing field for the List:
    Private mFoods As List(Of String)

    ' this of course would be the same as your code...
    ' no need to repeat
    Public Property Foods As List(Of String)
            Return mFoods
        End Get
        Set(value As List(Of String))
            ' see notes
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Sub New(n As String, s As String)
        Name = n
        Species = s
        ' initialize the List instance:
        mFoods = New List(Of String)
    End Sub
End Class

The key is that in the constructor ( Sub New ) you create the list instance to hold the food items, video extensions or whatever. 关键是在构造函数( Sub New )中,您创建列表实例以容纳食品,视频扩展名或其他内容。 Using it: 使用它:

' class/form level variable declared as Animal NOT Object
Private A As Animal
A = New Animal("Ziggy", "Feline")
A.Weight = 12.4             ' not possible if A is As Object

pGrid.SelectedObject = A

After the edit, A.Foods will contain whatever was entered via the StringCollectionEditor . 编辑后, A.Foods将包含通过StringCollectionEditor输入的任何内容。 If A is declared As Object , the code line to set the Weight will prevent the code from compiling (with Option Strict on). 如果A声明As Object ,则设置权Weight的代码行将阻止代码编译(启用Option Strict时)。 This is because System.Object does not have a Weight property. 这是因为System.Object没有Weight属性。 A As Animal allows the compiler to see and use the properties defined. A As Animal ,编译器可以查看和使用定义的属性。 I suspect you are not using Option Strict . 我怀疑您没有使用Option Strict

If your object has a valid List instance when you send your object to the PropertyGrid and a valid Editor is specified, you'll see this: 如果将对象发送到PropertyGrid时对象具有有效的List实例, 并且指定了有效的Editor,则将看到以下内容:


The PropGrid will display "Collection" indicating it knows what it is, and the "..." indicates the PropGrid has a valid editor associated with it. PropGrid将显示“集合”,表明它知道它是什么,而“ ...”表明PropGrid具有与其关联的有效编辑器。 Proof that it retains the collection: 证明它保留了集合:

' results in:

在此处输入图片说明 在此处输入图片说明

Note that I have nothing in the setter for Foods , yet it works. 请注意,我对Foods的设置没有任何要求,但是它可以工作。 Collection Editors do not usually pass collection items back en masse via the setter. 收集编辑通常不经传的setter集合项回到集体 Instead, they use the Add and/or AddRange method of the collection. 而是使用集合的Add和/或AddRange方法。

So, I can omit the setter which also prevents some piece of code from setting the List back to Nothing . 因此,我可以省略setter,它也可以防止某些代码将List设置回Nothing Of course, code can change the string items to something else or re order them which also might be bad. 当然,代码可以将字符串项更改为其他内容或重新排序它们,这可能也很不好。

To avoid this, you might want to use a Collection Class which implements List(of T) or Collection(Of T) . 为了避免这种情况,您可能想要使用实现List(of T)Collection(Of T)的Collection类。 This way your code can provide access to items, limit what can be done, and even validate items added. 这样,您的代码就可以提供对项目的访问权限,限制可以完成的操作,甚至可以验证添加的项目。

See Guidelines for Collections for more tips and information. 有关更多提示和信息,请参阅收集指南

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