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使用TPH的Entity Framework的多级继承

[英]Multiple levels of inheritance with Entity Framework using TPH

I am using Entity Framework to create a Table Per Heirachy data model in a new project over an existing legacy database. 我正在使用Entity Framework在现有遗留数据库的新项目中创建Table Per Heirachy数据模型。 This means that we don't own the database and therefore I need a solution that doesn't involve adding columns to the OrderDiscount table. 这意味着我们不拥有数据库,因此我需要一个不涉及向OrderDiscount表添加列的解决方案。

I have the following structure in my data models: 我的数据模型中有以下结构:

       ┌────── (abstract) OrderDiscountBase ──────┐
       │                                          │
       │                                          │
SaleOrderDiscount          ┌─── (abstract) SellerOrderDiscountBase ───┐
                           │                                          │
                           │                                          │
                FreeShippingOrderDiscount                 PercentageValueOrderDiscount

There is a pre-existing discriminator column to distinguish between the concrete types. 有一个预先存在的鉴别器列来区分具体类型。 It's called DiscountType and can hold the values PercentageOffPromoDiscount , FreeShippingPromoDiscount or SaleDiscount . 它被称为DiscountType ,可以保存值PercentageOffPromoDiscountFreeShippingPromoDiscountSaleDiscount

I have the following mapping in my project, which is--unfortunately--not working. 我的项目中有以下映射,不幸的是,它没有工作。

private void ConfigureOrderDiscountEntity(EntityTypeConfiguration<OrderDiscountBase> entity)
        .HasKey(orderDiscount => orderDiscount.Id)
            configuration => configuration.Requires("DiscountType").HasValue(OrderDiscountTypes.Sale))
            configuration => configuration.Requires("DiscountType").HasValue(OrderDiscountTypes.PercentageOff))
            configuration => configuration.Requires("DiscountType").HasValue(OrderDiscountTypes.FreeShipping))
        .ToTable(tableName: "OrderDiscount", schemaName: "Orders")

The exception I see is: 我看到的例外是:

EntityTypes SellerOrderDiscountBase, SaleOrderDiscount, FreeShippingOrderDiscount, PercentageValueOrderDiscount are being mapped to the same rows in table OrderDiscountBase. EntityTypes SellerOrderDiscountBase,SaleOrderDiscount,FreeShippingOrderDiscount,PercentageValueOrderDiscount被映射到表OrderDiscountBase中的相​​同行。 Mapping conditions can be used to distinguish the rows that these types are mapped to. 映射条件可用于区分这些类型映射到的行。

I've seen people solve this problem in older versions of Entity Framework by adding a second discriminator column but, as I said, I can't make changes to the database. 我已经看到人们通过添加第二个鉴别器列来解决旧版本的Entity Framework中的这个问题,但正如我所说,我无法对数据库进行更改。

What I'm asking EF to do doesn't sound difficult, so I assume I have just configured my entities incorrectly. 我要求EF做的并不难,所以我假设我刚刚错误地配置了我的实体。

Definitely works for me in EF 6.x: 绝对适用于EF 6.x:

public abstract class TPHBase
    public int ID { get; set; }

    public string CommonProperty { get; set; }

public class TPHChild1 : TPHBase
    public string Child1Property { get; set; }

public abstract class TPHChild2 : TPHBase
    public int? Child2Property { get; set; }

public class TPHChild3 : TPHChild2
    public int? Child3Property { get; set; }

public class TPHChild4 : TPHChild2
    public int? Child4Property { get; set; }

protected override void OnModelCreating( DbModelBuilder modelBuilder )
            .ToTable( "TPHBase" )
            .Map<TPHChild1>( m => m.Requires( "Dyskryminator" ).HasValue( "c1" ) )
            .Map<TPHChild3>( m => m.Requires( "Dyskryminator" ).HasValue( "c3" ) )
            .Map<TPHChild4>( m => m.Requires( "Dyskryminator" ).HasValue( "c4" ) );


Entities are sucesfully persisted and then retrieved from the database. 实体被强制保留,然后从数据库中检索。

I suspect there is something more than you have posted. 我怀疑还有比你发布的更多的东西。

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