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[英]How to get min and max values with the date of accurance using quantmod

I would like to compute the range and the dates of the maximum price and low price of of each variable that is stored in xts format and store the results in a data frame. 我想计算以xts格式存储的每个变量的最高价格和最低价格的范围和日期,并将结果存储在数据框中。 The result that I look for is a data frame that will contain the variable name,max value date,max value, min value date,min value. 我寻找的结果是一个数据帧,其中将包含变量名称,最大值日期,最大值,最小值日期,最小值。 I've imported two stocks data by using quantmod package and wrote a function to compute the ranges (yet without the dates of maximum price and low price) but with no succees. 我已经通过使用quantmod包导入了两个股票数据,并编写了一个函数来计算范围(但没有最高价格和最低价格的日期),但是没有成功。

d<-getSymbols(c("ZTS","ZX") , src = 'yahoo', from = '2015-01-01', auto.assign = T)
          ZTS.Open ZTS.High ZTS.Low ZTS.Close ZTS.Volume ZTS.Adjusted ZX.Open ZX.High ZX.Low ZX.Close
2015-01-02    43.46    43.70   43.07     43.31    1784200     43.07725    1.40    1.40   1.21     1.24
2015-01-05    43.25    43.63   42.97     43.05    3112100     42.81864    1.35    1.38   1.24     1.32
2015-01-06    43.15    43.36   42.30     42.63    3977200     42.40090    1.28    1.29   1.22     1.22
2015-01-07    43.00    43.56   42.98     43.51    2481800     43.27617    1.24    1.34   1.24     1.29
2015-01-08    44.75    44.87   44.00     44.18    3121300     43.94257    1.26    1.28   1.17     1.18
2015-01-09    44.06    44.44   43.68     44.25    2993200     44.01220    1.30    1.39   1.22     1.27
           ZX.Volume ZX.Adjusted
2015-01-02     20400        1.24
2015-01-05     43200        1.32
2015-01-06     16700        1.22
2015-01-07      6200        1.29
2015-01-08     17200        1.18
2015-01-09     60200        1.27
s<- for (i in names(d[,-1])) function(x) {max(x);min(x) }
> s

An ‘xts’ object on 2015-01-02/2015-08-13 containing:
  Data: num [1:155, 1:12] 43.5 43.2 43.2 43 44.8 ...
 - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  ..$ : NULL
  ..$ : chr [1:12] "ZTS.Open" "ZTS.High" "ZTS.Low" "ZTS.Close" ...
  Indexed by objects of class: [Date] TZ: UTC
  xts Attributes:  
List of 2
 $ src    : chr "yahoo"
 $ updated: POSIXct[1:1], format: "2015-08-14 18:35:14"


I can't tell if you date column is the rownames or an actual column, but the code below should produce your result if the date column is called date in the dataframe. 我无法确定日期列是行名还是实际列,但如果将日期列在数据框中称为date ,则下面的代码应会产生结果。

do.call(rbind, apply(d[,-1], 2, function(col) {
   max_ind <- which.max(col)
   min_ind <- which.min(col)
   list(max=col[max_ind], max_date=d$date[max_ind], min=col[min_ind],

and if the date column is the rownames 如果日期列是行名

do.call(rbind, apply(d, 2, function(col) {
   max_ind <- which.max(col)
   min_ind <- which.min(col)
   list(max=col[max_ind], max_date=as.character(index(d))[max_ind], min=col[min_ind],

The code does an apply over columns finding the index of the maximum and minimum, then returns the values and dates corresponding to these. 该代码对列进行了套用,以找到最大值和最小值的索引,然后返回与之对应的值和日期。

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