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[英]Obtain the baseline hazard function/survival function from an extended Cox model (with external time-dependent covariates)

I am applying an extended Cox model with external time-dependent covariates. 我正在应用带有外部时间相关协变量的扩展Cox模型。 Here is a small example (df) which I borrowed and modified from Themeau and Grambsch's book, Modeling survival data : extending the Cox model (2001): 这是一个小示例(df),我从Themeau和Grambsch的书《 生存数据建模:扩展Cox模型 (2001)》中借来并修改过:

id start stop  event trt bili albumin
1  0      188    0    1  1.8 2.54
1  188    372    0    1  1.6 2.88
1  372    729    0    1  1.7 2.80
1  729    1254   0    1  3.2 2.92
1  1254   1462   0    1  3.7 2.59
1  1462   1824   0    1  4.0 2.59
1  1824   1925   1    1  5.3 1.83
2  0      56     0    0  1.8 2.36
2  56     172    0    0  1.6 1.89
2  172    521    1    0  1.7 1.56
3  0      36     0    1  3.2 2.10
3  36     232    0    1  3.7 2.32
3  232    352    0    1  4.0 1.96
3  352    610    1    1  5.3 2.05

I would like to obtain the baseline hazard/survival function from the extended Cox model. 我想从扩展的Cox模型获得基线危害/生存功能。 In the classical Cox PH model which handles time-independent covariates, it seems that we can obtain the estimate of H(t) using the Nelson-Aalen estimator: 在处理时间独立协变量的经典Cox PH模型中,似乎我们可以使用Nelson-Aalen估计量获得H(t)的估计量:

fit1<- coxph(Surv(time, event) ~ tidc's, data=df)
H<- -log(sfit$surv)
H<- c(H, tail(H, 1))

I am wondering how to obtain the baseline hazard/survival function from the extended Cox model, when external time-dependent covariates are used instead? 我想知道当使用外部时间相关协变量时,如何从扩展的Cox模型获得基线危害/生存功能? Could I use the similar method like this? 我可以使用类似的方法吗?

model_1<-coxph(Surv(start,stop,event) ~ treat+log(bili)+log(albumin),data=df)
H1<- -log(mfit$surv)
H1<- c(H1, tail(H1, 1))

Thanks. 谢谢。

The survfit object also has an element named 'cumhaz'. survfit对象还具有一个名为“ cumhaz”的元素。 That would seem to be the correct item to pull rather than recalculating it. 这似乎是正确的选择,而不是重新计算。

> all.equal( -log(mfit$surv), mfit$cumhaz )
[1] TRUE

It's unclear what you expect as a "baseline hazard" if you are using time-dependent covariates. 如果您使用的是时变协变量,则不清楚“基线危害”是什么。 At least in the survival package a "baseline hazard" is calculated on the basis of the estimated hazard for a hypothetical subject who had the mean value for each of the covariates. 至少在生存软件包中,根据对每个协变量均具有平均值的假设受试者的估计危害,计算出“基准危害”。 The packages author, Terry Therneau, devotes the entire first paragraph in the Details section of the help page for survfit.coxph discussing why he thinks this is often delivers a result of questionable value. 软件包作者Terry Therneau在帮助页面的“详细信息”部分的第一段中专门介绍了survfit.coxph,讨论了为什么他认为这通常会带来可疑的价值。 I seriously doubt that he would consider a baseline hazard to be meaningful in a time-dependent covariate model where the baseline would be jumping around. 我严重怀疑他会认为基线风险在基线随处可见的随时间变化的协变量模型中是否有意义。 He has specifically suggested that calculating survival curves in that setting is statistically unsupportable (despite the fact that they often appear in medical articles.) 他特别建议,在这种情况下计算生存曲线在统计上是不支持的(尽管事实是它们经常出现在医学文章中)。

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