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[英]jQuery click on anchor tag reloads page

As many other threads and external forums suggest, I've tried placing e.preventDefault() (while passing e as parameter, not in code sample) in every place imaginable, but it doesn't prevent the anchor from reloading the page. 正如许多其他线程和外部论坛所建议的那样,我尝试将e.preventDefault()(在将e作为参数传递时,而不是在代码示例中传递)放置在可以想象的每个位置,但这不会阻止锚点重新加载页面。 When I step through the debugger, it will assign every div with scrollNav the click event, but when I click on the div-link it just reloads the page and the debugger does not stop on any lines in the highlightSelection function. 当我单步调试器时,它将为每个div分配scrollNav click事件,但是当我单击div链接时,它只是重新加载页面,并且调试器不会在highlightSelection函数的任何行上停止。 Another method I've tried is to use an anonymous function inside this.click and place e.preventDefault() as the first line, but it does nothing. 我尝试过的另一种方法是在this.click中使用匿名函数,并将e.preventDefault()作为第一行,但是它什么也没做。

I also don't really understand why you would want to place e.preventDefault() as so many others have suggested. 我也不太了解为什么您要放置e.preventDefault(),就像其他许多人建议的那样。 Isn't it basically saying return false? 基本上不是说return false吗? That may stop a link from reloading the page, but won't it prevent the code in the method from executing? 这可能会阻止链接重新加载页面,但是会不会阻止方法中的代码执行?

jQuery(document).ready(function() {


}); // end ready

function initSideNavForSelection() {

function highlightSelection() {
    var selectedDataID = this.attr("data-id");

jQuery('.scrollNav').each(function() {
    if (this.attr("data-id") === selectedDataID) {
    } else {

} }

Add onclick="return false;" 添加onclick="return false;" to the anchor. 到锚点。 OR change initSideNavForSelection function to 或将initSideNavForSelection函数更改为

this.click(function(e) {

either works 任一个

There are a few things I had to do to get your codes to run. 要使您的代码运行,我必须做一些事情。 You can take a link at this fiddle here . 您可以在此处进行链接。

Here's the list: 这是清单:

  1. Add JQuery as the framework to be used for your fiddle, under the Frameworks & Extensions section on the top left corner. 在左上角的Frameworks&Extensions部分下,将JQuery添加为小提琴使用的框架
  2. Remove the broken onclick="Event.stop(event)" inlined attribute as Event is undefined. 取出破碎onclick="Event.stop(event)"内联属性作为Event是未定义的。
  3. Replace the usage of this with $(this) in both your initSideNavForSelection() and highlightSelection() functions. initSideNavForSelection()initSideNavForSelection() highlightSelection()函数中,用$(this)替换this的用法。 this represents a DOM object and $(this) is a JQuery wrapper around this . this代表DOM对象,而$(this)是围绕this的JQuery包装器。 The latter will respond to JQuery methods like .click() , but not the former. 后者将响应诸如.click()类的JQuery方法,但不会响应前者。

So far, there is no page reload in your fiddle, with or without e.preventDefault() . 到目前为止,无论是否e.preventDefault() ,您的小提琴都无法重新加载页面。

Finally, in addition to event.preventDefault() , return false also calls event.stopProgagation() to prevent the event from bubbling up the DOM, before terminating the callback execution immediately. 最后,除了event.preventDefault()return false还会调用event.stopProgagation()以防止事件在立即终止回调执行之前使DOM冒泡。 A call to event.preventDefault() doesn't terminate the function call immediately. 调用event.preventDefault()不会立即终止函数调用。

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