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Windows 10上的Isabelle HOL

[英]Isabelle HOL on Windows 10

I installed Windows 10 (64bit). 我安装了Windows 10(64位)。 Since then, Isabelle HOL is no longer starting, even after a re-installation (which ran through smoothly). 从那时起,即使重新安装(顺利进行)后,Isabelle HOL也不再启动。 The error message is the following: "Startup Error: Error starting Java VM". 错误消息如下:“启动错误:启动Java VM时出错”。 This happens with the two versions I tested (2013-2 and 2015). 我测试的两个版本(2013-2和2015)都会发生这种情况。 The jvm.dll which is specified in the configuration file, exists in the right folder. 配置文件中指定的jvm.dll位于正确的文件夹中。 Additionally, I have installed Java SDK in newest version (8.51) in both, 32bit and 64bit. 另外,我已经安装了32位和64位的最新版本(8.51)的Java SDK。 Is there a known compatibility problem with Windows 10? Windows 10是否存在已知的兼容性问题? Isabelle used to work with Windows 7 and 8. Thank you for you help. Isabelle以前可以在Windows 7和Windows 8上使用。感谢您的帮助。

Update (150822) 更新(150822)

From the developer's mailing list, there's a link to a test release: 在开发人员的邮件列表中,有一个指向测试版本的链接:

That's working different from Isabelle2015, in how it does some things with paths, so it might find the things it needs for Windows 10, or it may not. 这与Isabelle2015的不同之处在于它如何使用路径执行某些操作,因此它可能会找到Windows 10所需的内容,也可能找不到。 However, even if it works, there may be some incompatibilities with Isabelle2015 (in theorem proving). 但是,即使它可行,也可能与Isabelle2015有一些不兼容(在定理证明中)。

Regardless, Isabelle only gets released 1 to 2 times a year, and I wouldn't expect anything special to be released for Windows 10 within 4 to 6 months. 无论如何,Isabelle一年仅发布1至2次,我不希望在Windows 4至6个月内发布任何特别的Windows 10版本。 The links above, though, show that M.Wenzel can package together a test release, but he mainly operates on the user's mailing list. 不过,上面的链接显示M.Wenzel可以将测试版本打包在一起,但是他主要在用户的邮件列表中进行操作。

In my batch file below, I set HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH , which you don't need if you want .isabelle to be in C:\\user\u003c/code> . 在下面的批处理文件中,我设置了HOMEDRIVEHOMEPATH ,如果您希望.isabelle位于C:\\user\u003c/code> ,则不需要它们。

In this test release, those settings don't affect my home path. 在此测试版本中,这些设置不会影响我的主路径。 It also appears that USER_HOME is used, though my setting of USER_HOME doesn't make my batch file work for this test release. 似乎也使用了USER_HOME ,尽管我对USER_HOME设置不能使我的批处理文件适用于此测试版本。

Anyway, this test release has changed the way it works to discover things, and accomodates Windows even more, as shown by the new behaviour of the function File.platform_path . 无论如何,此测试版本改变了它发现事物的方式,甚至更适合Windows,如File.platform_path函数的新行为所示。

It's working different enough, and requires enough changes, that I should stay with Isabelle2015, or I'll be out of sync with the official release.) 它的工作方式已经足够不同,并且需要进行足够的更改,以至于我应该继续使用Isabelle2015,否则我将与正式版本不同步。)

Original 原版的

(Zeroeth: Problems like this generally get hashed out on the mailing list, but I go ahead show you how I start Isabelle using a batch file, which I started doing before I had to start doing it.) (Zeroeth:此类问题通常会在邮件列表中散列,但我继续向您展示如何使用批处理文件启动Isabelle,该文件是在必须开始执行之前开始执行的。)

First, the Java that Isabelle uses is in this folder: 首先,Isabelle使用的Java在此文件夹中:


Doing a normal Java install for Windows is not going to change which Java that Isabelle uses. 为Windows执行常规Java安装不会改变Isabelle使用的Java。

Below, I give you a batch file and bash file to start Isabelle/jEdit, which is an alternative to using Isabelle2015\\Isabelle2015.exe . 在下面,我为您提供了一个批处理文件和bash文件来启动Isabelle / jEdit,这是使用Isabelle2015\\Isabelle2015.exe的替代方法。

For myself, what I've done is manually replace the 32-bit jre folder shown above with the jre in jre-8u45-windows-x64.tar.gz . 对于我自己,我所做的是用jre-8u45-windows-x64.tar.gz中的jre-8u45-windows-x64.tar.gz手动替换上面显示的32位jre文件夹。 (I renamed the old 32-bit folder. The most recent Java tar files can be found at the download page .) (我将旧的32位文件夹重命名。可以在下载页面上找到最新的Java tar文件。)

Consequently, if I try to start up Isabelle with Isabelle2015.exe , I also get a popup that says, "Startup Error, Error starting Java VM", but starting Isabelle with the batch/bash combination works for me on Windows 8.1. 因此,如果我尝试使用Isabelle2015.exe来启动Isabelle,则会弹出一个窗口,提示“启动错误,启动Java VM时出错”,但是在Windows 8.1上使用批处理/ bash组合启动Isabelle是可行的。

What I show you below may not fix your problem, but I guess Isabelle2015.exe has to get some info from the OS to work right, and maybe that's changed with Windows 10: 我在下面显示的内容可能无法解决您的问题,但是我想Isabelle2015.exe必须从操作系统中获取一些信息才能正常工作,而Windows 10可能已更改了该信息:

https://lists.cam.ac.uk/mailman/htdig/cl-isabelle-users/2014-December/msg00033.html https://lists.cam.ac.uk/mailman/htdig/cl-isabelle-users/2014-December/msg00033.html

You put the batch and bash file below in the folder that you have or want your .isabelle folder. 您将批处理和bash文件放在您拥有的文件夹或想要的.isabelle文件夹下面。 Change ISAHOME below to where your Isabelle distribution is. ISAHOME下面的ISAHOME更改为Isabelle分发的位置。 PATH needs the Cygwin bin in the path, and the path for isabelle , which I set in the batch file. PATHPATH需要Cygwin bin,而我在批处理文件中设置的isabelle路径。

FILE: start-isabelle.bat 文件:start-isabelle.bat

:: Isabelle2015.exe uses these directly. Setting HOME or USER_HOME doesn't work
set HOMEDRIVE=%~d0
set HOMEPATH=%~p0

:: Cygwin uses HOME, and this is how HOME is set in Cygwin-Terminal.bat

:: ADD PATHS: 'cygwin/bin' to start terminal, 'Isabelle2015/bin' for 'isabelle'
set ISAHOME=E:\E_2\d ev\Isabelle2015
set PATH=%PATH%;%ISAHOME%/contrib/cygwin/bin;%ISAHOME%/bin;

start /MIN mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico "%~dp0start-isabelle.bash"

::bash --login -i "%~dp0start-isabelle.bash"

FILE: start-isabelle.bash 文件:start-isabelle.bash

#!/usr/bin/env bash
isabelle jedit -l HOL

With 64-bit Java, I can increase the size of the memory that Isabelle uses, by making this change in .isabelle\\Isabelle2015\\etc\\settings : 使用64位Java,可以通过在.isabelle\\Isabelle2015\\etc\\settings进行此更改来增加Isabelle使用的内存大小:

JEDIT_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms1g -Xmx4g -Xss4m"
JEDIT_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms1024m -Xmx4096m -Xss4m"

With 32-bit Java, when I do that, Isabelle will start but then terminate. 使用32位Java,当我这样做时,Isabelle将启动,然后终止。

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