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[英]Transaction, Table Truncate and Parametrized SQL Query

I have to clear everything in a table and reload with fresh data. 我必须清除表中的所有内容并重新加载新数据。 There are over 1500 rows, so for performance reasons it is necessary to TRUNCATE TABLE . 有超过1500行,因此出于性能原因需要TRUNCATE TABLE

The flow of my method is: 我的方法的流程是:

  1. Begin Transaction 开始交易
  2. Truncate the table 截断表格
  3. Get fresh data 获取最新数据
  4. Insert all rows using SQL parameterized values 使用SQL参数化值插入所有行
  5. Getting Data && Inserts successful ? 获取数据&&插入成功? Commit Transaction : Rollback 提交事务:回滚

My Question is: Can I successfully perform the above using SqlConnection? 我的问题是:我可以使用SqlConnection成功执行上述操作吗? Because I am truncating tables and essentially performing > 1500 Inserts, I am a little bit hesitant to just run the code in an effort to find out. 因为我正在截断表并且基本上执行> 1500个插入,所以我有点犹豫是否只是为了找出而运行代码。 I have tried looking online and although I have found similar questions, I feel that they are not specific to my situation. 我试过在网上看,虽然我发现了类似的问题,但我觉得它们并不是我的具体情况。

Here is the method I have developed to perform the required actions: 这是我为执行所需操作而开发的方法:

        public static void InsertCourseLookup(List<Course> courses)
            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))

                using (SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())
                    SqlTransaction transaction = connection.BeginTransaction("CourseLookupTransaction");

                    command.Connection = connection;
                    command.Transaction = transaction;
                    command.CommandTimeout = 300;

                        command.CommandText = "TRUNCATE TABLE course_info";

                        foreach (Course course in courses)
                            if (course == null)
                                throw new ArgumentException("course cannot be null");

                            ContentData courseData = GlobalHelper.GetContentData(course.ContentId);

                            if (courseData == null)
                                throw new Exception(string.Format("Missng ContentData for course '{0}'", course.Title));
                            // checks if row is already in table, if it is check.ContentId will be greater than 0
                            CourseLookup check = CourseHelper.GetCourseLookup(course.DatabaseId);

                            string sql = string.Empty;

                            if (check.ContentID > 0)
                                sql = @"
                                    UPDATE  course_info
                                    SET     content_id = @content_id,
                                            name = @name,
                                            code = @code,
                                            description = @description,
                                            url = @url,
                                            meta_keywords = @meta_keywords,
                                            meta_description = @meta_description
                                    WHERE   course_id = @course_id";
                                sql = @"
                                    INSERT INTO course_info(course_id, content_id, name, code, description, url, meta_keywords, meta_description)
                                    VALUES(@course_id, @content_id, @name, @code, @description, @url, @meta_keywords, @meta_description)";

                            string metaKeywords = string.Empty;
                            string metaDescription = string.Empty;

                            if (courseData.MetaData != null)
                                for (int i = 0; i < courseData.MetaData.Length; i++)
                                    if (courseData.MetaData[i].Id == ConfigData.Metadata.MetaKeywordsID)
                                        metaKeywords = DataHelper.TruncateString(courseData.MetaData[i].Text, 500);
                                    else if (courseData.MetaData[i].Id == ConfigData.Metadata.MetaDescriptionID)
                                        metaDescription = DataHelper.TruncateString(courseData.MetaData[i].Text, 500);

                            command.CommandText = sql;
                                new SqlParameter[] {
                                    new SqlParameter("@course_id", course.DatabaseId),
                                    new SqlParameter("@content_id", course.ContentId),
                                    new SqlParameter("@name", course.Title),
                                    new SqlParameter("@code", course.Code),
                                    new SqlParameter("@description", course.Description),
                                    new SqlParameter("@url", courseData.Quicklink),
                                    new SqlParameter("@meta_keywords", metaKeywords),
                                    new SqlParameter("@meta_description", metaDescription)

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log.Error(string.Format("Unable to reload course lookup table: {0}", ex.Message));


This will work barring any bugs. 这将有效阻止任何错误。

You should put the transaction in a using block and delete this: 您应该将事务放在using块中并删除它:

catch (Exception ex)
    Log.Error(string.Format("Unable to reload course lookup table: {0}", ex.Message));

Because this does nothing. 因为这没什么。

Note, that truncating a table takes schema modification locks and messes with concurrent snapshot readers. 注意,截断表需要使用模式修改锁和混合快照读取器。 DELETE FROM MyTable does not do that. DELETE FROM MyTable不会这样做。 It allows for concurrent (read) access. 它允许并发(读取)访问。

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