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[英]Custom Launcher not appearing in Launcher list

When I run my Launcher on my phone, and then press the home button, Android displays a popup asking which Launcher I would like to set as the default. 当我在手机上运行启动器,然后按主页按钮时,Android会显示一个弹出窗口,询问我要将哪个启动器设置为默认启动器。 My Launcher never appears in this list. 我的启动器永远不会出现在此列表中。

I have set appropriate intents in the ApplicationManifest.xml file (MAIN, HOME, DEFAULT). 我已经在ApplicationManifest.xml文件(MAIN,HOME,DEFAULT)中设置了适当的意图。

From what I have read, and seen in sample launchers, that is all that's required. 从我已经阅读并在示例启动器中看到的内容来看,这就是必需的。

How do I get it to show my Launcher in this list? 我如何在列表中显示启动器?

In addition to this, if I manually go to Settings > Home > Set my custom Launcher as default, then press the home button, Android again asks me which Launcher I want as default, but still does not display my custom Launcher. 除此之外,如果我手动转到“设置”>“首页”>“将自定义启动器设置为默认设置”,然后按“主页”按钮,Android会再次询问我要使用哪个启动器作为默认设置,但仍不会显示我的自定义启动器。

It is possible that the user had set some other app as default launcher app.That might be the reason that system is not showing an option to select the home app. 用户可能已将其他一些应用程序设置为默认启动器应用程序,这可能是系统未显示选择家庭应用程序的选项的原因。

Clear default launcher by going to Settings->Applications->Default Applications->Home and try the use case again. 转到“设置”->“应用程序”->“默认应用程序”->“主页”,清除默认启动器,然后重试用例。

Let me know if this works. 让我知道这个是否奏效。

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