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[英]Git: How to find uncommitted changes so far?

Here is the situation I ran into: 这是我遇到的情况:

When I tried to git pull , I found my collaborator had committed some changes, hence got the following error message. 当我尝试git pull ,我发现我的协作者进行了一些更改,因此得到以下错误消息。

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.

So I want to know what changes I have made so far since my last commit , so that I can decide to commit them or stash them. 因此,我想知道自上次提交以来到目前为止所做的更改 ,以便我可以决定提交或隐藏它们。

Well if you haven't added any new files, you can just simply run git diff on a terminal for the specific changes. 好吧,如果您尚未添加任何新文件,则只需在终端上运行git diff进行特定更改即可。 Running git status would show the file changes to be committed for the next commit. 运行git status将显示要为下一次提交提交的文件更改。

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