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[英]I am trying to copy entire directories from one Linux machine to another, including permissions

I am trying to copy entire directories from one Linux machine to another, including permissions, and including the called directory. 我正在尝试将整个目录从一台Linux机器复制到另一台Linux机器,包括权限和被叫目录。 For example, from the parent directory of the destination, I tried rsync -rul root@mail3.domain.com/usr/sites/4my.com but that does not work. 例如,从目标的父目录中,我尝试了rsync -rul root@mail3.domain.com/usr/sites/4my.com,但这不起作用。 On the calling machine the destination is /home/sites What should that command be? 在调用方计算机上,目标是/ home / sites该命令应该是什么? Thanks! 谢谢!

尝试rsync -a username@remote_host:/home/username/dir1 place_to_sync_on_local_machine


sudo cp -rp /home/source /tmp/dest


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