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Grails GORM嵌套的多对多关系查询

[英]Grails GORM nested has-many relationship query

I try to get all posts that are adressed to an audience containing one specific user by: 我尝试通过以下方式获取包含一个特定用户的所有受众群体的帖子:


or 要么

def posts = StreamPost.where {
    audience.friends.id ==~ userId

First results in 的第一个结果

ERROR org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper - No value specified for parameter 1

Second does not work either, returns: 第二个也不起作用,返回:


I have the following domain model: 我有以下域模型:

class StreamPost {
    static belongsTo = User
    Friendzone audience

    Date postTimestamp
    String postComment
    String postType

    static constraints = {
        postType inList: ['event','activitylevel','checkin','rating']

class Friendzone {
    static belongsTo = User
    static hasMany = [friends:User,
    User owner

    String zoneName
    static constraints = {
        owner nullable: false
        friends nullable: false

class User {
    static hasMany = [friends:User,
    static mappedBy  = [ friends: 'friends' ]

    String username
    String password
    boolean enabled = true
    boolean accountExpired
    boolean accountLocked
    boolean passwordExpired

    static constraints = {
        username nullable: false
        password nullable: true

So user1 might do a post visible for his friendzone1 which contains user2 and user3. 因此,user1可能会为包含其user2和user3的friendzone1做一个可见的帖子。 Now I want to get all posts which are visible for user2... 现在我想获取所有对user2可见的帖子...

Which ist the best method doing this? 哪种方法是最好的方法? dynamic finders, where queries, criteria or hql? 动态查找器,查询,条件或hql在哪里? How can I avoid previous mentioned errors? 如何避免前面提到的错误?

Database scheme: 数据库方案:

table: user
id  |  username
1   |  user1
2   |  user2

table: user_friendzone
user_id  |  friendzone_id
2        |  1

table: friendzone
id  |  owner_id  |  zone_name
1   |  1         |  user2only

table: stream_post
id  |  audience_id  |  post_comment
1   |  1            |  comment

Edit 19.08.2015 编辑19.08.2015

I think the friendzone class causes the problems. 我认为friendzone类会引起问题。 With Emmanuel's comment I figured out that the error (same error as above) is thrown trying to query a friendzone. 通过Emmanuel的评论,我发现尝试查询Friendzone时抛出了错误(与上述相同)。 For example: 例如:

def audience = Friendzone.get(1)

Maybe it is the relationship to the "user class" 也许是与“用户类”的关系

static belongsTo = User
static hasMany = [friends:User,

Got it done by changing StreamPost class: 通过更改StreamPost类来完成此操作:

class StreamPost {
    static belongsTo = [owner:User, audience:Friendzone]

    User owner
    Friendzone audience

    Date postTimestamp
    String postComment
    String postType

    static constraints = {
        postType inList: ['event','activitylevel','checkin','rating']

with following query: 与以下查询:

def user = User.get(userID)
def posts = StreamPost.findAllByAudienceInList(user.friendzones.asList())

How about this? 这个怎么样?

def user = User.get(2)
def audiences = Friendzone.findAllByFriends(user)
def posts = StreamPost.findAllByAudienceInList(audiences)

I wrote it this way to make it easier to read, and to find which query is failing. 我以这种方式编写它,以使其更易于阅读,并查找哪个查询失败。

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