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[英]JavaScript: How to reload page when localstorage changes?

I'm making a series of JavaScript pages that share information via localStorage. 我正在制作一系列JavaScript页面,这些页面通过localStorage共享信息。 Everything works fine, but when I change a parameter in one of the pages and then move to a different one, I need to reload manually with Ctrl R so that the changes become effective. 一切正常,但是当我在其中一个页面中更改参数然后移至另一页面时,我需要使用Ctrl R手动重新加载,以使更改生效。 I succeeded at doing the refreshing automatic using onBlur, but, alas, such function stops working when I upload the scripts to Android (the final destination of these scripts is becoming an Android app). 我使用onBlur成功完成了自动刷新,但是,可惜,当我将脚本上传到Android时,该功能停止工作(这些脚本的最终目标正在成为Android应用)。

So now I'm trying to use addEventListener with the storage event, but nothing happens, I still have to do the refreshing manually. 因此,现在我尝试将addEventListener与存储事件一起使用,但是什么也没有发生,我仍然必须手动进行刷新。 I've read lots of web sites and gone through a lot of examples but I still don't get it. 我已经阅读了很多网站,并浏览了许多示例,但我仍然不明白。 Here is the relevant code: 以下是相关代码:

window.addEventListener("storage", handler);

function handler() {

Let me share some more about what I'm trying to do: I have a series of html pages, each of them with a form to make a calculation for a diet plan. 让我分享一些我想做的事情:我有一系列的html页面,每个页面都有一个表单来计算饮食计划。 Example: the first one asks for body info and gives you your basal calory intake. 示例:第一个询问身体信息,并为您提供基础卡路里摄入量。

A second page takes that basal calory intake number, stored using localStorage, shows it in the screen, and asks you in a form to introduce your daily calory target; 第二页显示使用localStorage存储的基本卡路里摄入量,并将其显示在屏幕上,并要求您以表格形式介绍您的每日卡路里目标; with those two numbers, it calculates how long would it take to lose one kilo. 使用这两个数字,它可以计算出丢失一公斤需要多长时间。

If I go back to the first page and enter different body measures, generating thus a different output, and then revisit page 2, I want to find that basal calory number there automatically refreshed. 如果我回到第一页并输入不同的身体测量值,从而生成不同的输出,然后重新访问第2页,则我想找到那里的基础卡路里数会自动刷新。 I succeeded at doing this IN THE COMPUTER using onBlur and onFocus: 我使用onBlur和onFocus在计算机上成功完成了此操作:

window.onblur= function() {window.onfocus= function () {location.reload(true)}};

This reloads the page of the tab you're landing in every time js detects you've just changed from one tab to another, notwithstanding if localStorage data has been changed or not - a 'just in case' approach. 每次js检测到您刚刚从一个选项卡更改为另一个选项卡时,这都会重新加载您要登录的选项卡的页面,即使localStorage数据是否已更改-一种“以防万一”的方法。

The problem is that when I upload these pages to Android, the refreshing stops stops working (and in Android you cannot do ctrl+r to force it). 问题是,当我将这些页面上传到Android时,刷新停止停止工作(在Android中,您无法执行ctrl + r来强制执行此操作)。 Apparently Android does not consider the different pages as tabs; 显然,Android不会将其他页面视为标签。 that would explain onBlur and onFocus not working. 这将解释onBlur和onFocus无法正常工作。

That's why now I'm trying the localStorage approach: "if localStorage has changed, (ie, someone has been changing values in the other pages), then refresh the screen on the current page (so that the new values show up)". 这就是为什么我现在尝试使用localStorage方法的原因:“如果localStorage已更改,(例如,有人在其他页面中更改了值),然后刷新当前页面上的屏幕(以便显示新值)”。

I know localStorage events work in my browser because this demo works. 我知道localStorage事件在我的浏览器中有效,因为此演示有效。 But I cannot make the code work in my scripts. 但是我无法使代码在脚本中工作。

I hope having explained myself more clearly this time (please bear with me, this is my first post...) 我希望这次能更清楚地说明自己(请多多包涵,这是我的第一篇文章...)

The storage handler is called when it changes in another tab not in the current tab. 当存储处理程序在另一个选项卡(而不是当前选项卡)中更改时被调用。
You could override the setItem method. 您可以覆盖setItem方法。

!function() {
    var setItem = Storage.prototype.setItem;

    Storage.prototype.setItem = function() {
       setItem.apply(this, arguments);

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