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我可以在 Android 上安装 Node.js 吗?

[英]Can I install Node.js on Android either rooted or not?

I'm Trying to install node on android我正在尝试在 android 上安装节点

I have tried:我试过了:

  • Complete Linux rooted with Ubuntu and debian 4. Always getting troubles with repositories not followed and/or troubleshots以 Ubuntu 和 debian 4 为根的完整 Linux。总是遇到未遵循的存储库和/或故障排除的问题
  • Linux deploy with one/two distros使用一个/两个发行版部署 Linux
  • Gnuroot with fedora remix Having troubles with GCC not installés ans yum troubleshots probably due to repositories. Gnuroot 与 fedora remix 使用 GCC 的问题可能是由于存储库而不是安装和 yum 故障排除。

I have some questions:我有一些问题:

  • Has anyone tried using Debian without Root and installing node?有没有人试过在没有 Root 的情况下使用 Debian 并安装节点?
  • Does anyone know if it might work on Ubuntu touch?有谁知道它是否适用于 Ubuntu touch?
  • There is a post on how to compile node but I don't understand why jxcore is mentioned in comments and why there is an Android version of jxcore when it's not an APK?有一篇关于如何编译节点的帖子,但我不明白为什么在评论中提到 jxcore 以及为什么在不是 APK 的情况下有 jxcore 的 Android 版本?

It [is possible] 1 to get node on Android. [有可能] 1 在 Android 上获取节点。 In fact, in 2020, at the time of this writing, there is an app available through Google Play store.事实上,在 2020 年,在撰写本文时,Google Play 商店提供了一个应用程序。 The app called Dory node js.该应用程序名为 Dory 节点 js。 It comes with not only node, but also npm, password encrypted dev server (completely set up, you need only flip a switch in the context menu - and set up the password, especially if port forwarding).它不仅带有节点,还带有 npm、密码加密的开发服务器(完全设置,您只需要在上下文菜单中翻转一个开关 - 并设置密码,尤其是在端口转发时)。

There are a few minor issues, due to Android's security policies (namely file access.) Also I read in the reviews that the version is outdated.由于 Android 的安全策略(即文件访问),存在一些小问题。此外,我在评论中看到该版本已过时。 But, as it comes with npm, an issue.但是,随着 npm 的出现,这是一个问题。

Keep in mind, I have no idea who created this app.请记住,我不知道是谁创建了这个应用程序。 I researched it myself for about 30 minutes, and I saw a lot of decent reviews, with nothing that scared me.我自己研究了大约 30 分钟,我看到了很多不错的评论,没有什么让我害怕的。 With that said, as I don't know the source, I am not recommending it, just letting everyone know it's there.话虽如此,因为我不知道来源,所以我不推荐它,只是让每个人都知道它在那里。 As always you need to do the research, especially as you'll have to give the app the read write permission for npm.与往常一样,您需要进行研究,尤其是您必须为应用程序授予 npm 的读写权限。

It doesn't matter rooted or not.不管有没有root。

Node.JS doesn't support mobile targets primarily. Node.JS 主要不支持移动目标。 JXcore is a fork of node.js that works on both desktop and mobile OSes. JXcore 是 node.js 的一个分支,适用于桌面和移动操作系统。 JXcore's primary target is mobile, you can find JXcore Android release binaries from this link JXcore 的主要目标是移动设备,您可以从此链接找到 JXcore Android 发行版二进制文件

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