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[英]Get even / odd / all numbers between two numbers

I want to display all the numbers (even / odd / mixed) between two numbers (1-9; 2-10; 11-20) in one (or two) column. 我想在一列(或两列)中显示两个数字(1-9; 2-10; 11-20)之间的所有数字(偶数/奇数/混合)。
Example initial data: 示例初始数据:

| rang  |              | r1 | r2 |
--------               -----|-----
| 1-9   |              | 1  | 9  |
| 2-10  |              | 2  | 10 |
| 11-20 |      or      | 11 | 20 |

CREATE TABLE initialtableone(rang TEXT);
INSERT INTO initialtableone(rang) VALUES

CREATE TABLE initialtabletwo(r1 NUMERIC, r2 NUMERIC);
INSERT INTO initialtabletwo(r1, r2) VALUES
  ('1', '9'),
  ('2', '10'),
  ('11', '20');

Result: 结果:

| output                         |
| 1,3,5,7,9                      |
| 2,4,6,8,10                     |
| 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20  |

Something like this: 像这样的东西:

create table ranges (range varchar);

insert into ranges 

with bounds as (
  select row_number() over (order by range) as rn,
         (regexp_split_to_array(range,'-'))[1]::int as start_value,
         (regexp_split_to_array(range,'-'))[2]::int as end_value
  from ranges
select rn, range, string_agg(i::text, ',' order by i.ordinality)
from bounds b
  cross join lateral generate_series(b.start_value, b.end_value) with ordinality i
group by rn, range

This outputs: 这输出:

rn | range | string_agg                   
 3 | 2-10  | 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10           
 1 | 1-9   | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9            
 2 | 11-20 | 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20

Building on your first example, simplified, but with PK: 基于您的第一个示例,简化,但使用PK:

  tbl1_id serial PRIMARY KEY  -- optional
, rang text  -- can be NULL ?

Use split_part() to extract lower and upper bound. 使用split_part()来提取下限和上限。 ( regexp_split_to_array() would be needlessly expensive and error-prone). regexp_split_to_array() 将是不必要的昂贵且容易出错)。 And generate_series() to generate the numbers. 并使用generate_series()生成数字。

Use a LATERAL join and aggregate the set immediately to simplify aggregation. 使用LATERAL连接立即聚合该集合以简化聚合。 An ARRAY constructor is fastest in this case: 在这种情况下, ARRAY构造函数最快:

SELECT t.tbl1_id, a.output  -- array; added id is optional
   SELECT tbl1_id
        , split_part(rang, '-', 1)::int AS a
        , split_part(rang, '-', 2)::int AS z
   FROM   tbl1
   ) t
   SELECT ARRAY(  -- preserves rows with NULL
      SELECT g FROM generate_series(a, z, CASE WHEN (z-a)%2 = 0 THEN 2 ELSE 1 END) g
      ) AS output
   ) a;

AIUI, you want every number in the range only if upper and lower bound are a mix of even and odd numbers. AIUI, 只有当上限和下限是偶数和奇数的混合时,你才想要范围内的每个数字。 Else, only return every 2nd number, resulting in even / odd numbers for those cases. 否则,只返回每个第二个数字,导致这些情况的偶数/奇数。 This expression implements the calculation of the interval: 此表达式实现间隔的计算:

CASE WHEN (z-a)%2 = 0 THEN 2 ELSE 1 END

Result as desired: 结果符合要求:


You do not need WITH ORDINALITY in this case, because the order of elements is guaranteed. 不需要 WITH ORDINALITY在这种情况下,因为元素的顺序保证。

The aggregate function array_agg() makes the query slightly shorter (but slower) - or use string_agg() to produce a string directly, depending on your desired output format: 聚合函数array_agg()使查询稍微缩短(但速度较慢) - 或者使用string_agg()直接生成字符串,具体取决于您所需的输出格式:

SELECT a.output  -- string
   SELECT split_part(rang, '-', 1)::int AS a
        , split_part(rang, '-', 2)::int AS z
   FROM   tbl1
   ) t
      SELECT string_agg(g::text, ',') AS output
      FROM   generate_series(a, z, CASE WHEN (z-a)%2 = 0 THEN 2 ELSE 1 END) g
   ) a;

Note a subtle difference when using an aggregate function or ARRAY constructor in the LATERAL subquery: Normally, rows with rang IS NULL are excluded from the result because the LATERAL subquery returns no row . 注意在LATERAL子查询中使用聚合函数或ARRAY构造函数时的细微差别 :通常,从结果中排除具有rang IS NULL行,因为LATERAL子查询不返回任何行
If you aggregate the result immediately, "no row" is transformed to one row with a NULL value, so the original row is preserved. 如果立即聚集的结果,“没有行”转换为一个排 ,一个NULL值,所以原始行被保留。 I added demos to the fiddle. 我向小提琴添加了演示。

SQL Fiddle. SQL小提琴。

You do not need a CTE for this, which would be more expensive. 你不需要CTE,这会更昂贵。

Aside: The type conversion to integer removes leading / training white space automatically, so a string like this works as well for rank : ' 1 - 3' . 旁白:类型转换为integer会自动删除前导/训练空格,因此像这样的字符串也适用于rank' 1 - 3'

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