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如何正确获得Matlab数据点标签? 第2部分

[英]How do I get the Matlab data point labels correct? Part 2

I've created some Matlab code which anyone helping can run and see the problem. 我创建了一些Matlab代码,任何人都可以运行并看到问题的代码。

When I run the following code, for each data point on my plot I seem to get all 15 labels instead of only 1 specific label. 当我运行以下代码时,对于绘图上的每个数据点,我似乎都获得了全部15个标签,而不是只有1个特定标签。

So how do I get the Matlab data point labels correct for the following code? 那么,如何使Matlab数据点标签对以下代码正确?

Based on the the suggestions from my previous question , I did the following: 根据上一个问题的建议,我进行了以下操作:

I replaced these two lines of code: 我替换了这两行代码:

labels = num2str(test_vector_label,'F%d');
labels_cell = cellstr(labels);

With this line of code as suggested: 按照建议的这一行代码:

labels_cell = strread(num2str(test_vector_label),'%s');

Now there are two follow-up questions: 现在有两个后续问题:

1) A warning appears stating that I should use textscan instead of strread : 1)出现警告,指出我应该使用textscan而不是strread

labels_cell = textscan(num2str(test_vector_label),'%s');

Then when I use textscan as in the above line of code above, I get an error? 然后,当我在上面的代码行中使用textscan时,出现错误吗?

"Error using text Cell array of strings may only contain string and numeric matrices" “使用文本单元格字符串数组时出错,只能包含字符串和数字矩阵”

"Error in Code_Test (line 46) text(x_val,y_val,labels_cell,'horizontal','left', 'vertical','bottom')" “ Code_Test(第46行)文本(x_val,y_val,labels_cell,“水平”,“左”,“垂直”,“底部”)中的错误”

2) How do I put a letter in front of the number labels? 2)如何在数字标签前放置字母? For example, in the original code I had put letter F followed by a number? 例如,在原始代码中,我在字母F后面加上数字?

%--------------Randomly select training and testing data.-----------
num_data = 35;

data_idx = 1:35;

train_data_idx_tmp = randsample(num_data,20)

train_dataRand_idx = sort(train_data_idx_tmp)

% Lia = ismember(A,B) returns an array the same size as A, containing 1 (true) 
% where the elements of A are found in B, and 0 (false) elsewhere.
test_data_idx_tmp = ismember(data_idx,train_dataRand_idx)

test_dataRand_idx = data_idx(~test_data_idx_tmp)'

% Check to see if training and test data index are exclusive. 
check_train_test_idx = ismember(train_dataRand_idx,test_dataRand_idx)

% Testing stage.
test_vector = test_dataRand_idx; %Select randomly obtained testing data.

% Training stage.
train_vector = train_dataRand_idx; %Select randomly obtained training

x_val = [1:15];

y_val = 2*[1:15];

grid on

%Put specific data point labels on plots.
test_vector_label = test_vector';
labels = num2str(test_vector_label,'F%d');   
labels_cell = cellstr(labels);
text(x_val,y_val,labels_cell,'horizontal','left', 'vertical','bottom')

textscan returns a cell array and not an array of strings. textscan返回单元格数组而不是字符串数组。 Try the following 尝试以下

labels_cell = textscan(num2str(test_vector_label),'%s');
labels_cell = strcat('F',labels_cell{1});

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