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[英]Get-ADUSER related issue

I was building this script to compare the samaccountname with the homefolder name in the homedirectory attribute (the last in the path) & if they r not same - then just rename the homefolder and update the homedirectory attribute. 我正在构建此脚本,以比较samaccountnamehomedirectory 属性(路径中的最后一个)中homefolder名称,如果它们不相同,则只需重命名homefolder并更新homedirectory属性。

It would be something like this I suppose - 我想是这样的-

Get-aduser -filter * | foreach {


dont know how to capture homedirectory and then cut it to get what i want.. 不知道如何捕获主目录,然后将其剪切以获取我想要的..

so help pls! 所以请帮助!

The following should work 以下应该工作

$users = (Get-ADUser -filter * -properties "HomeDirectory")
foreach ($user in $users)
    $HomeFolder = "UNCFolderPath" + $user.SamAccountName
    if ($user.homedirectory -notmatch $user.SamAccountname)
        Set-ADUser $user.SamAccountName -HomeDirectory $HomeFolder

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